CTET Level -2 (09 June 2024)
Question 1:
In which of the following Paleolithic sites, were tools made of limestone found?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-से पुरापाषाण स्थल में चूना- पत्थर से बने औजार मिले थे
Question 2:
मातृभाषाधारित- बहुभाषावादः नाम किम् ?
Question 3:
Process of change of rock from one type to another type is known as:
शैल के एक प्रकार से दूसरे प्रकार में परिवर्तित होने की प्रक्रिया को कहते हैं
Question 4:
Consider the following statements-
निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिये-
1. क्षय रोग वायु द्वारा संचरित हो सकता है। Tuberculosis can be transmitted through air.
2. हैजा दूषित पानी से संचरित हो सकता है। Cholera can be transmitted through contaminated water.
3. एड्स केवल लैंगिक संपर्क से संचरित हो सकता है। AIDS can be transmitted only through sexual contact.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
उपर्युक्त कथनों में से कौन-सा/से सही है/हैं?
Question 5:
Developing scientific attitude is an important objective of teaching science at upper primary level. Which of the following is NOT an indicators for assessing scientific attitude in students:
उच्च प्राथमिक स्तर पर विज्ञान के शिक्षण का एक मुख्य उद्देश्य वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण का विकास करना है। निम्न में से कौन विद्यार्थियों में वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण का आकलन करने का सूचक नहीं है :
Question 6:
निर्देश :- निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गये प्रश्नों के सही। सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।
कई दिनों तक परिश्रमपूर्वक खोजने के बाद भी जीवक को ऐसी कोई वनस्पति प्राप्त नहीं हुई जिसमे औषधीय गुण न हों। वह तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय के विशाल परिसर के बाहर दूर-दूर तक जाकर ढूँढ़ चुका था, अनेक अज्ञात वनस्पतियों का परीक्षण भी कर चुका था पर उसे सफलता हाथ नहीं लगी। अंततः उसे खाली हाथ आचार्य के पास लौटना पड़ा। लौटते हुए वह विचार कर रहा था। आचार्य से अपनी असफलता बताकर क्या उत्तीर्ण हुआ जा सकता है? नहीं। उसे अभी और परिश्रम करना पड़ेगा। उसकी शिक्षा अधूरी है। उसने धरती माता के वात्सल्य का अनुभव किया था । प्राणियों के पोषण और रक्षण के लिए प्रकृति द्वारा दिए गए वरदानों से वह परिचित हुआ था। उसके मन मे यह बात कचोट रही थी कि प्रकृति से इतनी अमूल्य जैव - संपदा पाकर हम कृतज्ञ क्यों नहीं होते? कितने जड़मति हैं वे लोग जो इसे नष्ट करते हैं।
जीवक किस प्रकार की वनस्पति की खोज कर रहा था?
Question 7:
अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा प्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेभ्यः उचिततमम् उत्तरं चित्वा लिखत-
एकः धार्मिकः सत्सङ्गानुरागी राजा आसीत् । सः दूर- दूरात् सांधून् महात्मनः आहूय तेभ्यः ज्ञानोपदेशं शृणोति तानि धनादि-प्रदानेन सम्मानयति स्म ।
एकदा एकः महात्मा ततः दान दक्षिणाम् आदाय परावर्तमानः कैश्चित् दस्युभिः दृष्टिः । ते दस्यवः तस्य साधोः हस्तौ कर्तयित्वा दान-दक्षिणाम् अच्छिद्य च पलायितवन्तः।
कतिपय मासान्तरं सः एव महात्मा राज्ञा पुनरपि भगवच्चर्चायै आहूतः । अस्मिन् वारे दस्तवः अति साधु- वेषं धृत्वा तस्मिन् राजकीये सत्सङ्गे समुपस्थिताः । तान् दृष्ट्वा कृत्त - हस्तः महात्मा राजानं कथितवान् "महाराज! इमे साधवः मम ज्ञानिनः सुहृदः सन्ति । इमे अवश्यं सम्माननीयाः । " राजा तान् अपूजयतु, एकां बृहत धन-पेटिकां च तेषाम् आवासे प्रापयितुं स्वकीयम् एकं कर्मचारिणं प्रेषितवान् ।
मार्गे कर्मचारी तान् साधून् अपृच्छत् - "कथ्यताम् महात्मा कथं जनाति? कथम् असौ भवद्भ्यः इदं धनम् अदापयत् ?'' साधवः उदतरन् -" सः मृत्युमुखे आसीत्। वयम् एव तं मृत्योः अमोचयाम । हस्तौ एक तस्य कर्त्तितौ अभवताम् । अतः एव उपकारकान् अस्मान् सः महाराजेन सममानयत्। "
पृथ्वी माता तेषाम् इमां निराधार वार्त्ता न असहत । सा व्यदीर्यत । तत्र एवं ते व्यलीयन्त । विस्मितः कर्मचारी राजानम् उपगत्य सर्वां घटनाम् अश्रावयत् । कृत्त- हस्तः महात्मा अपि तदा तत्र एव आसीत् । सः अपि तैः साधुभिः सह दुर्घटितां घटनाम् आकर्ण्य अतीव दुःखितः अभवत्, उच्चैः उच्चैः रोदितुं प्रावर्त्तत च ।
किन्तु आश्चर्यं ! महत् आश्चर्यम् !! तदा एवं सः महात्मा पुनः उत्पन्न - हस्तः अजायत । राजा तद् एतद् दृष्ट्वा रहस्यम् एतस्य कथयितुं महात्मानं प्रार्थितवान् । महात्मा अकथयत्- "राजन् ! सत्यम् एव ते साधवः मम सुहृदः सन्ति । भवद्भ्यः धन-ग्रहीतारौ हस्तौ छित्वा ते माम् उपकृतवन्तः एव । किन्तु भगवत्कृपया तो पुनर् अपिंत उत्पन्नौ । भम एव कारणने ते पृथिव्यां व्यलीयन्त । मम एव कारणेन तेषां सुहृदां वियोगेन अहम् इदानीं भृशं दुःखी सञ्चातः विलयामि च " इति ।
साधुभिः इति अस्मिन् पदे का विभक्तिः ?
Question 8:
Consider the following Assertion (A) and Reason (R) about equality:
(A) People's struggle and positive actions by the government are necessary to make equality a reality.
(R) Equality is a value that we have to keep striving for and not semething that will happen automatically.
Choose the correct option.
समानता के संदर्भ में निम्नलिखित कथनों (A) एवं कारणों (R) को पढ़ें।
कथन (A): समानता एक वास्तविकता बने, इसके लिए लोगों के संघर्ष और सरकार द्वारा सकारात्मक कदम उठाए जाने की बहुत आवश्यकता है।
कारण (R) : समानता वह मूल्य है जिसके लिए हमें निरंतर संघर्ष करते रहना होगा, यह स्वतः नहीं होगा ।
सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए ।
Question 9:
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate option.
1. A majority of people think that their dream job is too hard to achieve, too competitive and believe that it is all a matter of luck. All this is true actually, but why should that stop anyone from trying to get the job they really want? A really determined person will always succeed and, in many ways, will need other people to give up trying so that he can succeed.
2. Many job seekers feel limited by the choices they made at college. They may think that because they studied marketing, all they can ever do is work in marketing. All the evidence shows that, in fact, employers are less interested in acquired knowledge than the ability to think and learn. It is also very difficult to predict the needs of society. For example, if a person I chose to study dentistry because there was a lack of dentists when he was in high school, that may not be the case when he graduates. The needs of employers and the economy can change very quickly, and often unexpectedly.
3. Of course, if it is a very tough time economically, it is hard to find employment straight after university, but it is by no means impossible. It might take several months longer to find a job after graduating, but there is work out there. A really key piece of advice is never to get downhearted by rejection because there will probably be a lot you can do to achieve your dream job, whatever it is. You must never give up. Be prepared to work hard and for long hours without necessarily climbing up the career ladder. There is a lot to be said for learning your trade from the bottom up. At the start, there will probably be little money, but it will be worth it in the end. The best jobs are not supposed to be easy – that is what makes them challenging. And if you like a challenge, just keep your head down and go for it.
Read the following sentences:
A. Determined people succeed occasionally.
B. Few people believe that getting their dream job is a matter of luck.
C. A majority of the people think that dream jobs are highly competitive.
Question 10:
Being prejudiced towards someone implies:
किसी के प्रति पूर्वाग्रही होने का अर्थ है :
A. to judge them negatively. उन्हें नकारात्मक रूप से देखना ।
B. To consider them superior. उन्हें उत्तम (श्रेष्ठ) मानना ।
C. to disrespect those who are different. जो लोग भिन्न हैं उनका अनादर करना ।
D. To discriminate against members of a group. समूह के सदस्यों के विरुद्ध भेदभाव करना।
Choose the correct option: सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए