CTET Level -2 (09 June 2024)

Question 1: CTET Level -2 (09 June 2024) 1

  • 18

  • 16

  • 9

  • 8

Question 2:

निर्देश : निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही/सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए । 

बहुत दिनों से सोच रहा था, थोड़ी धरती पाऊँ 

उस धरती में बाग बगीचा, जो हो सके लगाऊँ ।

खिलें फूल - फल, चिड़ियाँ बोलें, प्यारी खुशबू डोले,

ताजी हवा जलाशय में अपना हर अंग भिगो ले। हो सकता है पास तुम्हारे, अपनी कुछ धरती हो 

फूल - फल लदे अपने उपवन हों, अपनी परती धरती हो । 

हो सकता है छोटी-सी क्यारी हो, महक रही हो 

छोटी-सी खेती हो जो फसलों से दहक रही हों 

यदि लेखक के पास थोड़ी-सी धरती होती, तो वह क्या नहीं करता? 

  • खेती करना 

  • बगीचा लगाना 

  • पेड़-पौधे लगाना 

  • नहर बनाना

Question 3:

Films that represent tribals only as people wearing colourful costumes and dancing in groups, may lead to: 

फिल्में जो जनजातीय लोगों को केवल रंगीन पोशाकें पहने हुए एवं समूहों में नृत्य करते हुए दिखाती हैं, के क्या परिणाम हो सकते हैं? 

  • attracting the world to the plight of the adivasis./आदिवासियों की दुर्दशा की ओर विश्व का ध्यान आकर्षित करना । 

  • promoting sale of forest products and tribal craft. / वन-उत्पादों और हस्तकला की बिक्री का प्रोत्साहन । 

  • demonstrating the cultural diversity of tribes. / जनजातियों की सांस्कृतिक विविधता का प्रदर्शन । 

  • creating stereotypes of tribals. /जनजातियों के प्रति रूढ़िबद्ध धारणा बनाना । 

Question 4:

A alone can complete a piece of work in 12 days, while B alone can complete the same work in 15 days. With the help of C, they can finish the same work in 5 days. If they are paid ₹2,880 for the whole work, what will be C's share in it?

A अकेले एक कार्य को 12 दिन में पूरा कर सकता है, जबकि B अकेले उसी कार्य को 15 दिन में पूरा कर सकता है C की मदद से, वे उसी कार्य को 5 दिन में पूरा कर सकते है। यदि उन्हें पूरे कार्य के लिए ₹2,880 का भुगतान किया जाता है, तो उसमें C का हिस्सा कितना होगा?

  • ₹760

  • ₹700

  • ₹720

  • ₹740

Question 5:

In a progressive classroom:

एक प्रगतिशील कक्षा में:

  • children engage in purposeful activities that realises their potential / बच्चे अर्थपूर्ण गतिविधियों में संलग्न होते हैं जिससे वे अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार कार्य कर पाएं

  • exams are at the centre of all teaching- learning / सभी सीखने-सीखाने का केन्द्र परिक्षाएँ हैं

  • textbook is the only source of learning / पाठ्यपुस्तक ही सीखने का एकमात्र स्रोत है

  • teacher is at the centre of all the teaching- learning activities / शिक्षक सभी सीखने - सीखाने का केन्द्र है।

Question 6:

निम्नलिखितेषु कः प्रयोगः तात्कालिकलेखकेभ्यः लेखनतत्परतया सम्बद्धः नास्ति ? 

  • कूर्दनम् 

  • मृदा आकृतिनिर्माणम् 

  • बटनबन्धनम् 

  •  सूत्रबन्धनम् 

Question 7:

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate option.

1. A majority of people think that their dream job is too hard to achieve, too competitive and believe that it is all a matter of luck. All this is true actually, but why should that stop anyone from trying to get the job they really want? A really determined person will always succeed and, in many ways, will need other people to give up trying so that he can succeed.

2. Many job seekers feel limited by the choices they made at college. They may think that because they studied marketing, all they can ever do is work in marketing. All the evidence shows that, in fact, employers are less interested in acquired knowledge than the ability to think and learn. It is also very difficult to predict the needs of society. For example, if a person I chose to study dentistry because there was a lack of dentists when he was in high school, that may not be the case when he graduates. The needs of employers and the economy can change very very quickly, and often unexpectedly.

3. Of course, if it is a very tough time economically, it is hard to find employment straight after university, but it is by no means impossible. It might take several months longer to find a job after graduating, but there is work out there. A really key piece of advice is never to get downhearted by rejection because there will probably be a lot you can do to achieve your dream job, whatever it is. You must never give up. Be prepared to work hard and for long hours without necessarily climbing up the career ladder. There is a lot to be said for learning your trade from the bottom up. At the start, there will probably be little money, but it will be worth it in the end. The best jobs are not supposed to be easy – that is what makes them challenging. And if you like a challenge, just keep your head down and go for it.

Identify the underlined words (parts of speech) in the following sentence:

A majority of people think that their dream job is too hard to achieve.

  • adjective, noun

  • noun, adverb

  • adverb, noun

  • noun, adjective

Question 8:

Consider the following statements with reference to friction:

घर्षण के संदर्भ में निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजियेः

1. घर्षण से ऊष्मा उत्पन्न होती है। Heat is generated by friction.

2. कबड्डी के खिलाड़ी अपने हाथों पर मिट्टी रगड़ते हैं तावि प्रतिद्वंद्वी खिलाड़ी को पकड़ने पर घर्षण में वृद्धि हो। Kabaddi players rub mud on their hands so that the friction increases when they catch the opponent.

3. तरलों द्वारा लगाए गए घर्षण को कर्षण (Drag) कहते हैं। The friction exerted by liquids is called drag.

4. सर्पी घर्षण (Sliding Friction) स्थैतिक घर्षण से कम होता है Sliding friction is less than static friction

Which of the above statements are correct?

उपर्युक्त कथनों में से कौन-से सही हैं?

  • केवल 1,2 और 3 Only 1,2 and 3

  • केवल 2,3 और 4 Only 2,3 and 4

  • 1, 2, 3 और 4 1, 2, 3 and 4

  • केवल 1 और 4 Only 1 and 4

Question 9:

Artists, architescts and nevigators posses high ________ as per Howard Gardner's theory.

हावर्ड गार्डनर के सिद्धान्त के अनुसार कलाकारों, वास्तुकारों और नाविकों के पास कौन-सी बुद्धि अधिक मात्रा में होती है?

  • Spatial intelligence / स्थानिक बुद्धि

  • Intrapersonal intelligence / अंतरावैयक्तिक बुद्धि

  •  Musical intelligence / संगीतमय बुद्धि

  • Linguistic intelligence / भाषाई बुद्धि

Question 10:

Procedural knowledge in the teaching-learning grammar is ___________.

  • knowing the language and its culture.

  • knowledge about the grammatical item.

  • knowing the rules of the grammatical item.

  • knowing how to do the grammatical item.

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