CTET Level -2 (16 June 2024)

Question 1:

Stratosphere has ideal conditions for flying aero planes. Choose the correct reason : 

समतापमंडल की परिस्थितियाँ हवाई जहाज उड़ाने के लिए आदर्श होती है। सही कारण का चयन कीजिए : 

  • Free from clouds and related weather phenomena/बादलों एवं मौसम संबंधी घटनाओं से मुक्त होना 

  • Low air pressure / निम्न वायु दाब 

  • Windy conditions आँधी वाली परिस्थितियाँ (तेज पवन) 

  • High air pressure / उच्च वायु दाब 

Question 2:

Read the passage given below and answer the question that follow by choosing the most appropriate option from the given one/

She took me into the station dining-room, ordered tea and samosas and jalebies, and at once I began to thaw and take a new interest in this kind woman. The strange encounter had little effect on my appetite. I was a hungry school boy and I ate as much as I could in as polite a manner as possible. She took obvious pleasure in watching me eat and I think it was the food that strengthened the bond between us and cemented our friendship, for under the influence of the tea and sweets I began to talk quite freely and told her about my school, my friends, my likes and dislikes/

2. She questioned me quietly from time to time, but preferred listening; she drew me out very well and I had soon forgotten that we were strangers. But she did not ask me about my family or where I lived and I did not ask her where she lived. I accepted her for what she had been to me a quiet, kind and gentlewoman who gave sweets to a lonely boy on a railway platform/

3. After about half-an-hour we left the dining- room and began walking back along the platform. An engine was shunting up and down beside platform No. 8 and as it approached, a boy leapt off the platform and ran across the rails, taking a short cut to the next platform. He was at a safe distance from the engine and there was no danger unless he had fallen; but as he leapt across the rails, the woman clutched my arm/

4. Her fingers dug into my flesh and I winced with pain. I caught her fingers and looked up at her and I saw a spasm of pain and fear and sadness pass across her face. She watched the boy as he climbed other platform and it was not until he had disappeared in the crowd that she relaxed her hold on my arm. She smiled at me reassuringly and took my hand again: but her fingers trembled against mine/

How did the author respond to woman's behaviour

  • hesitantly

  • freely

  • cautiously

  • suspiciously

Question 3:

The Kushanas ruled from the following centres New of power: 

कुषाणों ने किन निम्नलिखित शक्तिशाली केन्द्रों से शासन किया ? 

  • Peshawar and Ujjain / पेशावर और उज्जैन 

  • Peshawar and Malwa / पेशावर और मावला

  • Peshawar and Varanasi / पेशावर और वाराणासी

  • Peshawar and Mathura/ पेशावर और मथुरा 

Question 4:

Which of the following is a useful strategy to understand conceptual gaps in learners?

निम्नलिखित में से क्या शिक्षार्थियों में संकल्पनात्मक कमी को समझने के लिए एक उपयोगी रणनीति है ? 

  • organizing quiz sessions प्रश्नोत्तरी सत्रों का आयोजन करना । 

  • using concept maps अवधारणा मानचित्रण का उपयोग करना ।

  • observing practical skills प्रयोगात्मक कौशलों का अवलोकन करना । 

  • giving homework regularly नियमित गृहकार्य देना । 

Question 5:

_________ would be a contributing factor for children's academic failure

अकादमिक निम्न में से कौन-सा कारक विफलता के लिए जिम्मेदार है?

  • Inclusive classroom / समावेशी कक्षाएं

  • Meaningful learning / सार्थक अधिगम 

  • Collaborative learning / सहयोगात्मक शिक्षा

  • Decontextualised curriculum / गैर-प्रासंगिक पाठ्यक्रम 

Question 6:

Which among the following is a true statement? 

निम्न में से कौन-सा कथन सही है? 

  • Inner planets are made up of rocks. / आंतरिक ग्रह चट्टानों से बने हैं। 

  • Inner planets are far from the sun. / आंतरिक ग्रह सूर्य से बहुत दूर हैं। 

  • Outer planets are small planets. / बाह्य ग्रह आकार में छोटे ग्रह हैं। 

  • Outer planets are made up of rocks. / बाह्य ग्रह चट्टानों से बने हैं। 

Question 7:

दिए गए काव्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए तथा पूछे गए प्रश्न के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन कीजिए।

फैली खेतों में दूर तलक,

मखमल - सी कोमल हरियाली ।

लिपटी जिसमें रवि की किरणें,

चाँदी की-सी उजली जाली ।

तिनकों के हरे-हरे तन पर

हिल हरित रुधिर है रहा झलक ।

श्यामल भूतल पर झुका हुआ

नभ का चिर निर्मल नीलफलक ।

सूरज की किरणों से जाली कैसे बन रही होगी?

  • सूर्य किरणों से उजाला होने पर

  • चाँदी का जाला बुना गया है

  • फ़सल में से रोशनी छन रही है

  • किरणें जाल बुनती हैं

Question 8:

यदा छात्राः “विचारान् उत्तेजयन्ति, संगठितान् कुर्वन्ति, प्रारूप निर्मान्ति सम्पादयन्ति तथा संशोधनं कुर्वन्ति”

तदा एषा प्रक्रिया कीदृशं कौशलं कथ्यते ? 

  • श्रवणकौशलम् 

  • मदनकौशलम्

  • लेखनकौशलम् 

  • भाषणकौशलम् 

Question 9:

Which of the following question would help to build the critical thinking skills of students?

निम्न में से कौन-सा प्रश्न छात्रों में आलोचनात्मक चिंतन का विकास करने में सहायक होगा? 

  • What are the differences between those who sell on the street and those in the market? / जो लोग गलियों में सामान बेचते हैं तथा जो बाज़ार में सामान बेचते हैं, उनमें क्या अंतर होता है ? 

  • What is the role of Gram Panchayat ? /ग्राम पंचायत की क्या भूमिका है? 

  • Why do you think small workshops and factories employ casual workers? How does it affects casual workers life? / छोटी कार्यशालाएँ और फैक्ट्रियाँ अस्थाई मजदूरों की भर्ती क्यों करती हैं ? ये अस्थाई मजदूरों के जीवन पर क्या प्रभाव डालता है ?

  • What benefits does Sudha, a Government employee get along with her salary ? / सुधा जो एक सरकारी कर्मचारी है, जो अपनी तनख्वाह के साथ और कौन सी सुविधाएँ मिलती है ? 

Question 10:

Which of the following is not an example of mass media ? 

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा जनसंपर्क माध्यम का उदाहरण नहीं है? 

  • Newspapers / समाचार पत्र

  • Television / टेलीविजन 

  • Cellular Phones/ सेल्युलर फोन 

  • Radio / रेडियो 

✅ BPSC 70वीं RE EXAM DATE. Indian Navy Civilian Recruitment INCET 01/2024 Answer Key Notice Assistant Engineer ke 604 Posts Par Aj Se Kar Sakte h Apply.