CTET Level -2 (16 June 2024)
Question 1:
Arrange the following stages of problem solving in order. निम्नलिखित समस्या समाधान के स्तरों को सही क्रम में सुव्यवस्थित कीजिए।
(i) Evaluation and review मूल्यांकन और पुनरीक्षण
(ii) Making an action plan and implementing it / कार्य-योजना बनाना और लागू करना
(iii) Problem formulation and interpretation समस्या का सूत्रीकरण और व्याख्या करना
(iv) Generation ideas and options / विचारों और विकल्पों को उत्पन्न करना
Question 2:
निदानात्मक परीक्षायाः प्रयोगः निम्नलिखितेषु किं मूल्याङ्कितं करोति-
Question 3:
Directions Answer the following questions by selecting the correct/most appropriate options:
निर्देश : निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने के लिए सही / सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनिए :
Which of the following nutrients are present in 127-2 milk?
दूध में निम्नलिखित कौन-से पोषकतत्व होते हैं?
Question 4:
निर्देश: - अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारित प्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषुः उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत ।
नर्मदातीरे एकः वृक्षः आसीत् । तत्र स्वपरिश्रमेण निर्मितेषु नीडेषु खगाः सुखेन वसन्ति स्म। एकदा महती वृष्टिः अभवत्। सः वानरः वृष्टिजलेन अतीव आर्द्रः कम्पितः च अभवत् । खगाः शीतेन कम्पमानं वानरम् अवदन् भो वानर ! त्वं कष्टम् अनुभवसि । तत् कथं गृहस्य निर्माणं न करोषि ! यदा सः वानरः एतत् अशृणोत् तदा सः अचिन्तयत् अहो ! एते क्षुद्राः खगाः मां निन्दन्ति । सः वानरः खगानां नीडानि वृक्षात् अधः अपातयत् । खगानां नीडैः सह तेषाम् अण्डानि अपि नष्टानि । सत्यम् एव उक्तम् उपदेशो हि मूर्खाणां प्रकोपाय न शान्तये ।
कीदृशं वानरं खगाः अवदन् ?
Question 5:
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate option.
"Let's go! We are going to be late" shouted Glen gleefully as he tightened his schoolbag on his back. Three other faces broke into a smile upon hearing his words. They could not wait to soak their feet in the water and perhaps catch a small fish or two, just for kicks. They were clearly not heading towards where they should be school. The cold imposing white building became smaller and smaller. Their little hearts grew braver by the minute. They knew exactly where to go.
The canal was huge but that morning, there was only a small lazy stream of dirty water in it. With great gusto, Glen, the leader of the pack, hoisted himself over the railings and climbed down the huge monsoon drain. In the process, he got himself very dirty, but the excitement of truancy was too great to be bothered by some loose buttons and tears in his shirt.
In a fraction of seconds, the other boys joined him, Soon, screams and laughter of delight reverberated into the air but no one else could hear them for they had chosen a canal that was far from anyone. Glen spied many tiny fish darting to and fro in the murky water. They had no economical value and were practically worthless but nevertheless, the thrill of catching them bare-handed was priceless. Glen raced after an extra fat one. He plunged his hands to grab it only to have it slip between the cracks of his fingers.
Identify the underlined words (parts of speech) in the sentence given below:
Glen spied many tiny fish darting to and fro in the murky water.
Question 6:
वाचन (बोलने) और शारीरिक क्रियाओं के समन्वयन पर आधारित भाषा शिक्षण विधि कौन-सी है ?
Question 7:
The statement that society determines the role of male, female and other genders articulates gender as:
यह वाक्य स्त्रियों, पुरुषों व दूसरे जेंडर की भूमिका समाज तय करता है - जेंडर की संरचना के बारे में क्या दर्शाती है?
Question 8:
निर्देश: - अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारित प्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषुः उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत ।
नर्मदातीरे एकः वृक्षः आसीत् । तत्र स्वपरिश्रमेण निर्मितेषु नीडेषु खगाः सुखेन वसन्ति स्म। एकदा महती वृष्टिः अभवत्। सः वानरः वृष्टिजलेन अतीव आर्द्रः कम्पितः च अभवत् । खगाः शीतेन कम्पमानं वानरम् अवदन् भो वानर ! त्वं कष्टम् अनुभवसि । तत् कथं गृहस्य निर्माणं न करोषि ! यदा सः वानरः एतत् अशृणोत् तदा सः अचिन्तयत् अहो ! एते क्षुद्राः खगाः मां निन्दन्ति । सः वानरः खगानां नीडानि वृक्षात् अधः अपातयत् । खगानां नीडैः सह तेषाम् अण्डानि अपि नष्टानि । सत्यम् एव उक्तम् उपदेशो हि मूर्खाणां प्रकोपाय न शान्तये ।
एकदा किम् अभवत्?
Question 9:
Which of the following is NOT the purpose of extensive reading?
Question 10:
A teacher of Class VII conducts a pair work activity in which the pairs are given a story of ten sentences. One in the pair reads out the first sentences and the other in the pair writes that sentence. Then other in the pair read out second sentence and the first in the pair writes the second sentence. Likewise the pairs complete the whole story. Later they compare their writing with the original text given to them. What is this activity known as?