CTET Level -1 (09 June 2024)

Question 1:

The broad prespective of schools and especially teachers to understand failure of students should be that it:

स्कूलों और विशेष रूप से शिक्षकों को छात्रों की विफलता को किस तरह समझना चाहिए ?

  • reflects poorly on the students' academic capabilities. / छात्रों की कमजोर शैक्षणिक क्षमताओं का प्रतिबिंबन

  • reflects poorly on the teacher's abilities. / शिक्षक की कमजोर क्षमताओं का प्रतिबिंबन

  • is an issue of communities since children belonging to poor economic class connot be educated in the same set-up as children. / समुदायों का मुद्दा क्योकिं गरीब आर्थिक वर्ग के बच्चों को अन्य बच्चों की तरह एक ही स्कूली तंत्र में शिक्षित नहीं किया जा सकता है।

  • Is a systemic issue and there is a need to reflect on the school systems. / एक व्यवस्थागत मुद्दा जिस में स्कूल को शिक्षण प्रणालियों पर प्रतिबिंबन करने की अवश्यकता है।

Question 2:

वाचन (बोलना ) किसका प्रकार्य है?

  • श्रवण इद्रिय

  • दृश्य इद्रिय

  • स्पर्श इद्रिय

  • भाषिक इद्रिय

Question 3:

Directions: Read the given passage carfully and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option?

The first thing which a scholar should bear in mind is that a book ought not to be read for mere amusement, and are not to be blamed for it; they are incapable of appreciating the deeper qualities that belong to a really great literature. But a young man who has passed through a course of University training should discipline himself at an early day never to read for mere amusement. And once the habit of discipline has been formed, he will find it impossible to read for mere amusement. He will then impatiently throw down any book from which he cannot obtain intellectual food, any book which does not make an appeal to the higher emotions and to his intellect. But on the other, the habit of reading for amusement becomes with thousands of people exactly the same kind of habit as wine-drinking to opium-smoking; it is like a narcotic, something that helps to pass the time, something that keeps up a perpetual condition of dreaming, something that eventually results in destroying all capacity for thought, giving exercise only to the surface parts of the mind and leaving the deeper springs of feelings and the higher faculties of perception unemployed.

The word 'narcotic' in the passage means:

  • intellectual exercise

  • cheap books

  • great literature

  • intoxicant

Question 4:

Carrots contain high amount of vitamin A. How does eating carrots help the child?

गाजर में विटामिन A की उच्च मात्रा मौजूद होती है। गाजर खाने से बच्चे को क्या मदद मिलती है?

  • इससे बच्चे को अच्छी मात्रा में ऊर्जा मिलेगी। It will provide a good amount of energy to the child.

  • इससे बच्चे की हड्डियाँ मजबूत होगी It will strengthen the child's bones.

  • इससे बच्चे को कई बीमारियों से लड़ने में मदद मिलेगी। It will help the child fight many diseases. 

  • इससे बच्चे की आंख की रोशनी बेहतर होगी । It will improve the child's eyesight.

Question 5:

Direction: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

"Get well soon!" Shanta said, handing Partha a yellow balloon. She was his third visitor. That's because she was his class teacher's daughter, and her mother made her visit him. The other two, Rahul and Syed, weren't really his friend, although they often ganged up with him against other kids to take away their lunch pocket money. Partha knew he wouldn't have long to live. He could feel it, deep inside. Seeing his aunty crying after talking with the doctor confirmed it. His time had come. He didn't tell his visitors, though. They would either pity him, or be happy to get rid of him.

Once shanta left, he ripped a page off from his notebook and wrote-

"Dear God, I know I messed up and nobody likes me. Please give me a second chance. I can show you what a good friend I can be." 

He drew a map showing tile way from the school to the hospital, walked shakily to the window, and let the balloon fly away, carrying his message towards God.

The balloon was heading straight to a telephone pole, but a gentle breeze blew it away just in time. It crossed the park and disappeared out of view.

The next day, a body he had never met before came to visit him. "I find balloon," he said. "You are lonely?"

He just nodded, too startled to talk.

"I lonely too. My family come from Afghanistan and I no speak English good." He smiled. “I bring gift to you." He handed him a small bag of fruits. “I pray for friend, and God give me friend."

Normally, he would have made fun of his broken English and his long, baggy brown kurta, but he knew better. He smiled and offered him the first orange.

One student the reader understands did not really want to meet Partha, that is :

  • the Afghan boy

  • Syed

  • Rahul

  • Shanta

Question 6:

Select a group of food items which are obtained from the same part of the plant. 

खाद्य पदार्थों के उस समूह का चयन करिए जिन्हें पौधे के एक ही भाग से प्राप्त किया जाता है। 

  •  Spinach, Cabbaqe, Jeera and potato पालक, पत्तागोभी, जीरा और आलू 

  • Spinach, Ginger, Sugarcane, Carrot पालक, अदरक, गन्ना, गाजर 

  • Sugarcane, Potato, Ginger, Lotus stem गन्ना, आलू, अदरक, कमल डंठल

  • Apple, Potato, Tomato, Sugarcane सेब, आलू, टमाटर, गन्ना 

Question 7:

निर्देश -

अधोलिखितं गद्यांश पठित्वा तदाधारित प्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषु उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत ।

अस्माकं भारतवर्षः अतीव विशालः अस्ति । अत्र बहवः गिरयः सन्ति । ते गिरयः मेघकलापं धृत्वा वृष्टिं सम्पादयन्ति । तेन अनेकाः नद्यः प्रवहन्ति । तासु नदीषु महानदी, गोदावरी, कावेरी, कृष्णा च पूर्वसमुद्रं प्रति प्रवहन्ति । इतरा: साबरमती, ताप्ती, पश्चिमसमुद्रं प्रति प्रवहन्ति। काश्चन यथा भागीरथी, कालिंदी, गण्डकी कौशिकी च हिमालयशिखरेभ्यः प्रभवन्ति। पुरा सरस्वती अपि पश्चिम समुद्राभिमुखम् एव प्रवहति स्म, परन्तु अद्य अस्याः चिह्नानि एव यत्र तत्र प्रवाहमार्गे प्राप्यन्ते । अन्यासां नदीनां मध्ये भारतस्य मध्यप्रान्ते चर्मण्वती वेत्रवती च नद्यौ प्रसिद्धे स्तः ।

पुराणकालात् आरभ्य सर्वे भारतीयाः नदीनां सम्मानं कुर्वन्ति । क्षेत्रेषु सलिलसेचनेन नद्यपि मातेव भवति । अतएव यानि क्षेत्राणि नदीजलेन प्लावितानि तानि नदीमातृकाणीति प्रसिद्धं यानि च वृष्टिजलेन सिक्तानि तानि देवमातृकाणि इति । वर्षाकालेन वृष्टिपातेन नद्या: जलेन च कृषिक्षेत्राणि प्लावितानि भवन्ति । कृषकाः कृषिकार्यं कृत्वा अन्नोत्पादनं कुर्वन्ति । नदीषु विविधाः मत्स्याः निवसन्ति । येषु प्रदेशेषु अनावृष्टि कारणेन जलाभावात् कृषिः न भवति तत्र शासनाधिकारिणः नद्याः जलं प्रतिरुध्य सेतुं बध्नाति । महाजलाशयान् निर्माय जलसञ्चनं कुर्वन्ति । तेभ्यः जलाशयेभ्यः क्षेत्रेषु जलं वितरन्ति । साम्प्रतं महानगरे नद्याः जलमेव प्रतिगृहं सर्वकारेण: सम्प्रेष्यते ।

नद्यां बन्धं निर्माय तस्मात् विद्युतम् उत्पादयन्ति । एषा जलमूला विद्युत 'हाइड्रोइलेक्ट्रिक पावर' इति नाम्ना प्रसिद्धा। पश्यत, नद्यः देशस्य कीदृशमुपकारं कुर्वन्ति । अतएव जनाः ताः पूजयन्ति । स्वस्वगृहेषु अधुनाऽपि जनाः स्नानसमये सर्वासां नदीनां सान्निध्यं स्नानजलं प्रार्थयन्ते।

भारतस्य मध्यप्रान्ते के नद्यौ प्रसिद्धे स्तः ?

  • चर्मण्वती वेत्रवती च

  • कृष्णा साबरमती च

  • ताप्ती नर्मदा च

  • कालिन्दी गण्डकी च

Question 8:

If a child is unable to perform well in school the teachers should:

यदि कोई बच्चा स्कूल में अच्छा प्रदर्शन करने में असमर्थ है तो शिक्षकों को चाहिए-

  • Punish the child and tell the child's paraents to put the child in home tuitions / बच्चे को सजा दें और बच्चे के माता-पिता से कहें कि बच्चे को घर पर ट्यूशन लगाना सुनिश्चित करें ।

  • Find out the social backgroud of the child because belonging to certain communities are not capable of learning / बच्चें की सामाजिक पृष्ठभूमि का पता लगाएँ क्योंकि कुछ समुदायों के बच्चे सीखने में सक्षम नहीं होते हैं ।

  • Reflect on the pedagogical strategies and the school environment / वे शैक्षणिक रणनीतियों और स्कूल के माहौल पर चिंतन करें।

  • Ensure that the child is shifted to a separate section meant for for children with low abilities / बच्चे को कम योग्यता वाले बच्चों के लिए बने एक अलग संकाय में स्थानांतरित कर दिया जाए ।

Question 9:

A text that requires students to scan in order to understand and analyze the writer's message and purpose could be

  • a poem

  • a newspaper headline

  • a set of instructions to assemble a device

  • an encyclopedic extract

Question 10:

At Class II, sharing stories, familiar experiences, and interests, employing gestures where appropriate, is a sub-skill of function.

  • writing

  • speaking

  • listening

  • reading

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