CTET Level -1 (09 June 2024)
Question 1:
Assertion (A): Pedagogical processes of dialogue and discussion amongst peers hinders development of problem-solving abilities.
कथन (A) : समकक्षियों से चर्चा व संवाद की शिक्षाशास्त्रीय पद्धतियाँ समस्या समाधान के कौशल के विकास में बाधा डालती हैं।
Reason (R): Learning is a process that is individualistic in nature and not social in character.
तर्क (R) : अधिगम की प्रक्रिया का स्वरूप व्यक्तिवादी है न कि सामाजिक।
Choose the correct option. / सही विकल्प चुनें।
Question 2:
Scribbling is a stage of
Question 3:
At Class II, sharing stories, familiar experiences, and interests, employing gestures where appropriate, is a sub-skill of function.
Question 4:
Concept of inclusion requires:
समावेशन की अवधारणा हेतु किसकी आवश्यकता है?
Question 5:
According to the NIPUN Bharat Mission, the broader aim of Foundational numeracy is
निपुण भारत मिशन के अनुसार, बुनियादी संख्या ज्ञान का मुख्य लक्ष्य है।
Question 6:
An activity that requires a class to design and present a Power Point on the importance of water conservation in a target language is a ___________ activity.
Question 7:
The assessment of students writing should most importantly focus on
Question 8:
The assessment of students writing should most importantly focus on
Question 9:
Select a group of food items which are obtained from the same part of the plant.
खाद्य पदार्थों के उस समूह का चयन करिए जिन्हें पौधे के एक ही भाग से प्राप्त किया जाता है।
Question 10:
भाषायाः अध्यापिका पञ्चमकक्षायाः छात्रेभ्यः एकम् अनुच्छेदं लेखनाय यच्छति । यदा ते प्रथमप्रारूपं लिखन्ति तदा अध्यापिका आदिशति यत्ते परस्परं अन्योऽन्यस्य अनुच्छेदं पठन्तु तथा च प्रतिपुष्टिमपि ददतु। सह पाठिनाम् इयं प्रतिपुष्टिः