CTET Level -1 (09 June 2024)

Question 1:

A child arranges decimal numbers from largest to smallest as :

0.082 > 0.62 > 0.36 > 0.8

The error made by the child is due to the misconception base on

एक बच्चा दशमलव संख्याओं को सबसे बड़ी से सबसे छोटी तक इस प्रकार क्रमबद्ध करता है:

0.082 > 0.62 > 0.36 > 0.8

बच्चे द्वारा की गई त्रुटि का कारण ________ पर आधारित भ्रांति है।

  • regrouping / पुनः समूहीकरण

  • Most significant digit / सबसे सार्थक अंक

  • equal grouping / समान समूहीकरण

  • proportionality/समानुपातिकता

Question 2:

One of the sub-skills that is assessed for speaking would be

  • spelling common, frequently used words correctly

  • using appropriate volume, clarity and gestures in individual group situations.

  • understanding, and responding in a paragraph, to literary works.

  • listening actively and responding to others in small and large group situations

Question 3:

Language learners learn to do by doing. Which activity supports this observation?

  • The teacher models the writing and speaking styles which learners copy

  • Go from concrete to abstract texts

  • Encourage the use of their mother tongue to promote better understanding of the meaning of a prescribed text

  • Opportunities to practice as it helps habit formation

Question 4:

Which of the following statements about gifted children is correct? 

प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है?

  • Gifted children have very high emotional maturity. / प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों में बहुत अधिक भावनात्मक परिपक्वता होती है।

  • Gifted children should be given very simple routine tasks to be performed repeatedly. / प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों को बार-बार करने के लिए बहुत ही सरल नियमित कार्य दिए जाने चाहिए।

  • Gifted children do not require require any pedagogical modifications. / प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों को किसी भी खास शैक्षणिक संशोधन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है।

  • Gifted children have specific learning needs that often get ignored in the classrooms. / प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों की सीखने की विशिष्ट जरूरतें होती है जिन्हें अक्सर कक्षाओं में नजरअंदाज कर दिया जाता है।

Question 5:

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा पठन का आयाम नहीं है?

  • पाठ्य सामग्री में से मुख्य बिंदु की पहचान करना

  • पाठ को विस्तार देते हुए उसकी व्याख्या करना

  • भाषा की लिपि की पहचान

  • कर्तृवाच्य और कर्मवाच्य की पहचान करना

Question 6:

According to National Curriculum Framework, 2005, which among the following is not the prime objective of teaching measurement in primary classes?

राष्ट्रीय पाठ्यचर्या रूपरेखा, 2005 के अनुसार, निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा प्राथमिक कक्षाओं में मापन के शिक्षण का मुख्य उद्देश्य नहीं है?

  • To make children familiar with standard units of measurement / मापन की मानक इकाइयों से बच्चों को परिचित कराना

  • To make children differentiate between standard and non-standard units of measurement / बच्चों को मापन की मानक और अमानक इकाइयों में अंतर करना सिखाना

  • To enhance the estimation skills of children बच्चों में अनुमान लगाने के कौशल को बढ़ाना

  • To develop mastery in solving all the problems related to measurement / मापन से संबंधित सभी समस्याओं को हल करने में निपुणता हासिल करना

Question 7:

Selection of language items while determining the second language syllabus should take into account

  • how easy it is to learn/use the item

  • the minimal disruption of school schedule

  • the frequency and range of use of the items

  • how easy it is to teach the concept

Question 8:

Which of the following in the best explanation for inclusion of word problems in primary class mathematics textbooks?

प्राथमिक कक्षा की गणित की पाठ्यपुस्तकों में इबारती सवालों को शामिल करने का निम्नलिखित में से कौन- सा श्रेष्ठ स्पष्टीकरण है ?.

  • Word problems help learners connect to the real life situations involving mathematical thinking/ इबारती सवाल अधिगमकर्ताओं को उन वास्तविक जीवन की स्थितियों से जोड़ने में सहायता करते हैं जिनमें गणितीय चिंतन सम्मिलित है।

  • Word problems are for high IQ level learners and therefore they should be included. / इबारती सवाल उच्च बुद्धि लब्धि स्तर वाले अधिगमकर्ताओं के लिए होते हैं, अतः इन्हें शामिल किया जाना चाहिए ।

  • Word problems are hard to solve than symbolic problems and hence enhance children's thinking skills. / प्रतीकात्मक समस्याओं की तुलना में इबारती सवाल को हल करना कठिन होता है अतः यह बच्चों के चिंतन कौशल में वृद्धि करता है।

  • Word problems lay foundation for the higher order problem solving skills for mathematicians.

    शाब्दिक समस्याएँ गणितज्ञों के लिए उच्च-स्तरीय समस्या समाधान कौशलों की बुनियादी रखती है ।

Question 9:

Which of the following is not the objective of games and sports?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा खेल - कूद का लक्ष्य नहीं है ? 

  • Emotional maturity / भावनात्मक परिपक्वता 

  • Constructive social abilities संरचनात्मक सामाजिक क्षमताएँ 

  •  Mental alertness / मानसिक सतर्कता 

  • Winning / जीतना 

Question 10:

Direction: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

"Get well soon!" Shanta said, handing Partha a yellow balloon. She was his third visitor. That's because she was his class teacher's daughter, and her mother made her visit him. The other two, Rahul and Syed, weren't really his friend, although they often ganged up with him against other kids to take away their lunch pocket money. Partha knew he wouldn't have long to live. He could feel it, deep inside. Seeing his aunty crying after talking with the doctor confirmed it. His time had come. He didn't tell his visitors, though. They would either pity him, or be happy to get rid of him.

Once shanta left, he ripped a page off from his notebook and wrote-

"Dear God, I know I messed up and nobody likes me. Please give me a second chance. I can show you what a good friend I can be." 

He drew a map showing tile way from the school to the hospital, walked shakily to the window, and let the balloon fly away, carrying his message towards God.

The balloon was heading straight to a telephone pole, but a gentle breeze blew it away just in time. It crossed the park and disappeared out of view.

The next day, a body he had never met before came to visit him. "I find balloon," he said. "You are lonely?"

He just nodded, too startled to talk.

"I lonely too. My family come from Afghanistan and I no speak English good." He smiled. “I bring gift to you." He handed him a small bag of fruits. “I pray for friend, and God give me friend."

Normally, he would have made fun of his broken English and his long, baggy brown kurta, but he knew better. He smiled and offered him the first orange.

A phrase that can replace the words ganged up is

  • joined in opposition

  • supported together

  • became friends

  • formed a group

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