CTET Level -1 (16 June 2024)

Question 1:

'सम्मिश्रित-अधिगमः ' 

  • सम्मिश्रित पद्धतेः शिक्षणे सम्प्रेषणात्मक भाषायाः च संयोजनम् । 

  • शिक्षणस्य पारम्परिक उपागमेन सह अन्तर्जालाधारित नवोपागमस्य संयोजनम् । 

  • भाषा - शिक्षणाय द्वयोः एप्प' इति यन्त्रयोः संयोजनम् । 

  • प्रथमभाषामधिकृत्य वस्तुविषयाणां अधिगमः । 

Question 2:

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Nammescong Creek flowed into the backs of thighs as I fished, pausing between casts to secure my balance in the current and admire a new hatch of pale yellow mayflies lift from the stream. Over my shoulder, the sun dropped into a farmer's cornfield, the final patch of orange light on the water enough for me to spot the small, vaguely metallic object at my feet. Retrieving it, I ran my thumb over its raised lettering, rubbing away the mud and a string of algae. A name appeared, along with an expiration date. June 1984, I had discovered arrowheads here in the past, so it didn't seem misplaced to find a tool used by modern man to obtain a meal.

2. I took a moment to consider how the card had come to rest in the bed of the Nammy. I thought may be there was a story in it. I was curious to know if the owner had lost his wallet while fishing, the whole trip ruined the second he'd inventoried his cash or dug out his license for a game warden. Over time the leather would've rotted into fish food, with a scoured plastic remaining. I wondered how many miles the card might have ridden on spring floods over the past quarter of a century. For all I knew he could've been robbed, the thieves stripping out the money and tossing the billfold away later as they crossed a bridge.

3. Looking him up and phoning, I recited the card number and issuing bank. He laughed, recalling, it as the first credit account he'd ever taken out, a line of imaginary cash in those years when he had no real money. But that finally changed, he explained, after an industrial accident cost him his left eye, the payoff from the plant enabling him to retire eight years earlier than expected and move to a small hobby farm in southern Virginia. He told me a glass eye wasn't his style, so he had taken to wearing an eyepatch, which his wife still hates and his grandchildren- ages three, five and seven- have always loved, as it makes Grandpop look like a pirate. He called them his Miracle Grandbabies, born to a daughter who struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for years- her rock bottom in 1984, a year before she cleaned up for good.

4. But in the end the man couldn't remember ever losing his wallet, either by accident or theft. He said he'd never fished the Nammy, that, in fact, he'd always thought the sport a little boring and so I came to realise there was no story here.

"Flowed into the backs of my thighs" informs the reader that the narrator was fishing while

  • sitting on the river bank

  • his legs were hanging in the river

  • walking across the river

  • standing in the river

Question 3:

"भाषा का विचार पर प्राधान्य (आधिपत्य) है ।" यह किसके द्वारा समर्थित है ? 

  • पियाजे 

  • बेंजामिन वोर्फ 

  • वायगोत्स्की 

  • स्किनर 

Question 4:

Which of the following figures does not have equal number of linear and rotational symmetries?

निम्नलिखित आकृतियों में से किस आकृति की रैखिक व घूर्णन सममिति की संख्याएँ बराबर नहीं होती हैं?

  • Parallelogram / समांतर चतुर्भुज

  • Rhombus / समचतुर्भुज़

  • Square / वर्ग

  • Rectangle / आयत

Question 5:

Numbers written in decreasing order are:

घटते हुए क्रम में लिखी संख्याएँ हैं:

  • 1248, 2250, 2542, 3568, 5249

  • 5249, 3568, 2250, 2542, 1248

  • 3568, 2542, 5249, 2250, 1248

  • 5249, 3568, 2542, 2250, 1248

Question 6:

निर्देश :- अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषु उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत । 
स्त्रीशिक्षाक्षेत्रे अग्रगण्या पण्डिता रमाबाई 1858 तमे ख्रिष्टब्दे अलभत् तस्याः पिता अनन्तशस्त्री डोंगेरे माता च लक्ष्मीबाई आस्ताम् । तस्मिन् काले स्त्रीशिक्षायाः स्थितिः चिन्तनीया आसीत् । स्त्रीणां कृते संस्कृतशिक्षणं प्रायः प्रचलितं नासीत् । किन्तु डोंगरे रुढिबद्धां प्राप्तवती । कालक्रमेण रमायाः पिता विपन्नः जातः । तस्या पितरौ ज्येष्ठ भगिनी च दुर्भिक्षपीडिताः दिवङ्गताः । तदनन्तरं रमा स्व- ज्येष्ठभ्रात्रा सह समग्र भारतम् अभ्रमत् । भ्रमणकाले सा कोलकातां प्राप्ता । संस्कृतवैदुष्येण सा तत्र 'पण्डिता' 'सरस्वती' चेति उपाधिभयां विभूषिता । तत्र सा स्त्रीणां कृते वेदादीनां शस्त्राणां शिक्षायै आन्दोलनं प्रारब्धवती । 
1880 तमे ख्रिष्टाब्दे सा विपिन बिहारीदासेन सह विवाहम् अकरोत् । सार्धैकवर्षात् अनन्तरं तस्याः पतिः दिवङ्गतः । तदनन्तरं सा पुत्र्या मनोरमया सह महाराष्ट्रं प्रत्यागच्छत् । नारीणां सम्मानाय शिक्षायै च सा स्वकीयं जीवनं अर्पितवती । सा उच्चशिक्षार्थम् इंग्लैण्डदेशं गतवती । इंग्लैण्डदेशात् सा अमरीकादेशम् अगच्छत् । अनन्तरं भारतं प्रत्यागत्य मुम्बईनगरे सा 'शारदा सदनम' निस्सहायाः स्त्रियः अस्थापयत् अस्मिन् आश्रमे निवसन्ति स्म । तत्र ताः मुद्रण- टङ्कण- काष्ठफलादीनाम् च प्रशिक्षणमपि लभन्ते स्म । परं इदं सदनं पुणेनगरे स्थानान्तरितं जातम् । ततः पुणेनगरस्य समीपे केडगाँव- स्थाने 'मुक्तिमिशन' नाम संस्थानम् तया स्थापितम् । अत्र अधुनापि निराश्रिताः स्त्रियः ससम्मानं जीवनं यापयन्ति। 
1922 तमे ख्रिष्टाब्दे रमाबाई - महोदयायाः निधनम् । सा देशविदेशानाम् अनेकासु भाषासु निपुणा आसीत् । समाजसेवायाः अतिरिक्तं लेखनक्षेत्रे अपि तस्याः महत्वपूर्णम् योगदानम् आसीत् ।

समाजसेवायाः अतिरिक्तं कस्मिन् क्षेत्रे रमायाः योगदानं आसीत् ? 

  • अभिनयक्षेत्रे 

  • लेखनक्षेत्रे 

  • संगीतक्षेत्रे 

  • नृत्यक्षेत्रे 

Question 7:

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about children's learning in a socioconstructivist classroom? 

सामाजिक रचनात्मक कक्षा में बच्चों के सीखने के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सही नहीं हैं? 

  • Cildren construct knowledge rather than receive it passively. / बच्चे इसे निष्क्रिय रूप से प्राप्त करने के बजाय ज्ञान का निर्माण करते हैं।. 

  • Formative and diverse forms of assessment shuould be carried out in classrooms./कक्षाओं में केवल रचनात्मक और विविध तरह के आकलन को ही किया जाना चाहिए। 

  • Children's interaction with their peers facilitates cognitive development /बच्चों को अपने साथियों के साथ बातचीत के द्वारा अपने संज्ञानात्मक विकास में मदद मिलती हैं। 

  • Norm-referenced testing is the only way to standardise assessment. / मानक-संदर्भित परीक्षण आकलन को मानकीकृत करने का एकमात्र तरीका हैं।

Question 8:

Meaningful learning of students is NOT promoted by encouraging children for: 

विद्यार्थियों के अर्थपूर्ण अधिगम को बढ़ावा देने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किस प्रक्रिया के लिए बच्चों को प्रोत्साहित नहीं करना चाहिए। 

  • Passive listening / निष्क्रिय श्रवण 

  • Discussion and debate / चर्चा और बहस 

  • Exploration and experimentation / अन्वेषण और प्रयोग 

  • Metacognition / परासंज्ञान 

Question 9:

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, envisages to reduce the curriculum content in each subject so as to :

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति (NEP) 2020, प्रत्येक विषय में पाठ्यक्रम की विषय-वस्तु को कम करने पर विचार कर रही है ताकि :

  • Move students away from rote learning and towards real undestanding/ विद्यार्थी रटकर सीखने से अलग वास्तविक समझ की ओर बढ़ें।

  • Reduce the burdent of teachers in completing the syllabus / पाठ्यक्रम को पूरा करने में शिक्षकों के भार को कम किया जा सके।

  • Improve the scores of students in examination/परीक्षा में विद्यार्थियों को प्राप्तांकों को सुधारा जा सके।.

  • Improve the performance of slow learners in the class. /कक्षा में धीमी गति से सीखने वाले शिक्षार्थियों का प्रदर्शन सुधारा जा सके।

Question 10:

पाठ्यक्रमव्यापि - भाषा परिप्रेक्ष्य: (Language across the curriculum perspective) किं मन्यते ?

  • विद्यालये भाषाभ्यः भाषेतर- विषयाः अधिकाः महत्त्वपूर्णाः । 

  • सर्व शिक्षणं भाषा - शिक्षणम् । 

  • भाषेतर - विषयक शिक्षकः स्वकक्षायां भाषा-विचारः न अपेक्षते ।

  • भाषेतर - विषय - शिक्षणें भाषा महत्त्वपूर्णां भूमिकां  निर्वहति । 

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