CTET Level -1 (16 June 2024)

Question 1:

निर्देश : निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।

तमिलनाडु भारत के दक्षिणी छोर पर बसा राज्य है, जिसे प्रकृति ने मैदानी, समुद्री तथा पर्वतीय विभिन्नताएँ प्रदान कर अपने हाथों से सवारा है। यहाँ के मूल निवासी द्रविड़ हैं और तमिल भाषा बोलते हैं। इस राज्य को वास्तुशिल्प, मूर्ति तथा भवन निर्माण कला की दृष्टि से समृद्ध बनाने में चोल और चेर वंश के राजाओं का अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। तमिलनाडु को मंदिरों का राज्य भी कहा जाता है। यहाँ अनेक प्राचीन मंदिर हैं जो स्थापत्य कला के अद्वितीय नमूने हैं।

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा राज्य भारत के दक्षिण में स्थित है? 

  • हिमाचल प्रदेश 

  • तमिलनाडु 

  • मध्य प्रदेश 

  • गुजरात 

Question 2:

In a triangle, the sum of the lengths of two sides will always be-

किसी त्रिभुज में दो भुजाओं की लंबाई का योग सदैव होगा-

  • तीसरी भुजा का / greater than the third side

  • तीसरी भुजा के बराबर / equal to the third side

  • तीसरा भुजा से छोटा / smaller than the third side

  • तीसरी भुजा से बड़ा / greater than the third side

Question 3:

If the diagonal of a square is doubled, then its area will be-

यदि किसी वर्ग के विकर्ण को दोगुना कर दिया जाए, तो उसका क्षेत्रफल होगा-

  • दिए गए वर्ग के क्षेत्रफल के बराबर / Equal to the area of ​​the given square

  • दिए गए वर्ग के क्षेत्रफल का चार गुना / Four times the area of ​​the given square

  • दिए गए वर्ग के क्षेत्रफल का दोगुना / Twice the area of ​​the given square

  • दिए गए वर्ग के क्षेत्रफल का तीन गुना / Three times the area of ​​the given square

Question 4:

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Nammescong Creek flowed into the backs of thighs as I fished, pausing between casts to secure my balance in the current and admire a new hatch of pale yellow mayflies lift from the stream. Over my shoulder, the sun dropped into a farmer's cornfield, the final patch of orange light on the water enough for me to spot the small, vaguely metallic object at my feet. Retrieving it, I ran my thumb over its raised lettering, rubbing away the mud and a string of algae. A name appeared, along with an expiration date. June 1984, I had discovered arrowheads here in the past, so it didn't seem misplaced to find a tool used by modern man to obtain a meal.

2. I took a moment to consider how the card had come to rest in the bed of the Nammy. I thought may there was a story in it. I was curious to know if the owner had lost his wallet while fishing, the whole trip ruined the second he'd inventoried his cash or dug out his license for a game warden. Over time the leather would've rotted into fish food, with a scoured plastic remaining. I wondered how many miles the card might have ridden on spring floods over the past quarter of a century. For all I knew he could've been robbed, the thieves stripping out the money and tossing the billfold away later as they crossed a bridge.

3. Looking him up and phoning, I recited the card number and issuing bank. He laughed, recalling, it as the first credit account he'd ever taken out, a line of imaginary cash in those years when he had no real money. But that finally changed, he explained, after an industrial accident cost him his left eye, the payoff from the plant enabling him to retire eight years earlier than expected and move to a small hobby farm in southern Virginia. He told me a glass eye wasn't his style, so he had taken to wearing an eyepatch, which his wife still hates and his grandchildren- ages three, five and seven- have always loved, as it makes Grandpop look like a pirate. He called them his Miracle Grandbabies, born to a daughter who struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for years- her rock bottom in 1984, a year before she cleaned up for good.

4. But in the end the man couldn't remember ever losing his wallet, either by accident or theft. He said he'd never fished the Nammy, that, in fact, he'd always thought the sport a little boring and so I came to realise there was no story here.

'Scoured' means

  • cleaned

  • drenched

  • bent shapeless

  • discoloured

Question 5:

निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पृछ गए प्रश्नों के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए। 
अब रजत स्वर्ण मंजरियों से 
लद गई आम्र तरु की डाली । 
झर रहे ढाक पीपल के दल, 
हो उठी कोकिला मतवाली। 
महके कटहल, मुकुलित जामुन 
जंगल में झरबेरी झूली। 
फूले आडू, नीबू, दाड़िम, 
आलू, गोभी, बैंगन, मूली ।

'तरु' का पर्यायवाची शब्द है 

  •  वृक्ष 

  • पत्ता 

  • तना 

  • पर्ण 

Question 6:

निर्देश: अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेभ्यः उचितमम् उत्तरं चिनुत । 
राज्ञः भोजस्य राज्ये दुर्मुखः नामकः एक चौर: निवसति स्म । किन्तु अधिकतरं सः चौर्यं कर्त्तुं न पारितवान् । अनेन दुःखी सः प्रतिवेशि- राज्ये प्रवेष्टुं रात्रौ प्रचलितः । मध्ये एकं साध्वाश्रम प्राप्य तत्र एवं स्थितः । साधुः तस्य भव्यं आतिथ्यं कृतवान् । अनेन प्रसन्नः सः चौरः प्रातः  तं प्रणम्य तां विद्यां शिक्षयितुं प्रार्थयत, यया सः भव्यां भोग सामग्री निष्पादितवान् । साधुः तथा प्रतिज्ञातवान् तम् उपदिष्टवान् च " त्वं कम् अपि व्यवसायं कुर्याः, किन्तु असत्यं कदापि न वदे:, न च यस्य अन्नं भक्षयेः तं हानिं प्रापयेः । " 
चौरः तथा स्वीकृत्य राज्ञः भोजस्य एव प्रासादे चौर्यं कर्त्तुं ततः परावृत्तः । अर्द्धरात्रौ सः सामन्त-वेशं धृत्वा राज- प्रासादं प्रविष्टः । प्रहरिणा पृष्टः सः आत्मानं चौरम् एव पर्यचाययत् । किन्तु प्रहरी तथा न विश्वस्य तं प्रवेशात् नैव निवारितवान् । निर्बाधं चौर: भोजस्य शयन कक्षे प्रविष्टः । तदा भोजः नगरी  सुरक्षा-व्यवस्थां द्रष्टुं निर्गतः आसीत् चौरः सर्वां स्वाभीष्टां सामग्रीं सङ्कलितां कृत्वा चलितुम् एव उद्यतः अभवत् यत् तत्र एकस्मिन् पात्रे रक्षिते मिष्टान्ने तस्य दृष्टिः न्यपतत् । सः तद् भक्षितवान् । भक्षणोत्तर तस्य स्मृतौ साधोः वाक्यम् आयातं यत् - ‘यस्य अन्नं भक्षयेः तं हानिं न प्रापयेः । ' चौरः सर्वां सामग्रीं तत्र एव परित्यज्य रिक्त - हस्तः ततः निर्गतः । पश्चात् परावृत्तः भोजः कक्षे इदं दुर्दृश्यं दृष्टवान्, तदा प्रातः ‘दुर्मुखस्य एव इदं कृत्यं स्यात्' इति अनुमाय तम् आहूतवान् । राज्ञा पृष्टः च सः सर्वं सत्यम् अकथयत्। अनेन सन्तुष्टः राजा तं भूरि भूरि प्रशंसितवान् स्वकीये रक्षा विभागे च नियुक्तवान् । इदानीं दुर्मुखः अपि सुमुखः भूत्वा चौर्य-कर्म पर्यत्यजत् इति ।

दुर्मुखः कथं वेषं धृत्वा राजप्रसादे प्रविष्टः ? 

  • दस्यु-वेशम् 

  • नृप-वेशम् 

  • सामन्त-वेशम् 

  • कृषक-वेशम् 

Question 7:

Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Language acquisition

  • requires the memorisation and use of necessary vocabulary

  • refers to the process of learning a native or a second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain

  • involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary

  • is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children learn their native language

Question 8:

Vishal has ten dozen candies. He gave 1/3 of these to Radha, 2/5 of these to Asif and 1/12 of these to Sonu. The number of candies left with Vishal is.

विशाल के पास दस दर्जन कैंडी हैं। उसने इनका 1/3 भाग राधा को, 2/5 भाग आसिफ को और 1/12 भाग सोनू को दे दिया। विशाल के पास बची कैंडियों की संख्या है।

  • 22

  • 16

  • 18

  • 20

Question 9:

Consider the following-

निम्नलिखित पर विचार कीजिये-

1. Burning of paper / कागज का जलना

2. Making curd of milk / दूध का दही बनना

3. Dissolution of salt in water / नमक का पानी में घुलना

4. The potter transforms a lump of clay into a vessel. / कुम्हार द्वारा मिट्टी के ढेर को बर्तन में बदलना

Which of the above changes can be reversed?

उपर्युक्त में से कौन-से परिवर्तन उत्क्रमित (Reversed) किये जा सकते हैं?

  • केवल 1 और 3

  • केवल 3 और 4

  • केवल 2 और 3

  • केबल 1 और 2

Question 10:

What does inclusion in education imply?

शिक्षा में समावेश का क्या अर्थ है ? 

  • Provisioning of quality education to all children / सभी बच्चों को गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा का प्रावधान 

  • Placement of gifted children in special schools / प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों का विशेष विद्यालयों में नियोजन 

  • Provisioning of separate sections for special children in an inclusive set up / समावेशी व्यवस्था में विशेष बच्चों के लिए अलग-अलग वर्गों का प्रावधान

  • Placement of specially abled in special schools / विशेष विद्यालयों में विकलांगों की शिक्षा का प्रबंध 

✅ BPSC 70वीं RE EXAM DATE. Indian Navy Civilian Recruitment INCET 01/2024 Answer Key Notice Assistant Engineer ke 604 Posts Par Aj Se Kar Sakte h Apply.