CTET Level -1 (16 June 2024)
Question 1:
Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
Language acquisition
Question 2:
Second language acquisition is more effective when it
Question 3:
अधोलिखितेषु कस्य भाषावैकल्यस्यसम्बन्धः सम्प्रेषणकौशलैः, अवबोधसामथ्र्यः सह अस्ति ?
Question 4:
Mrs. Sinha asks prediction questions as she reads aloud a story to her class III students. She does this to
Question 5:
पाठ्यक्रमव्यापि - भाषा परिप्रेक्ष्य: (Language across the curriculum perspective) किं मन्यते ?
Question 6:
Numbers written in decreasing order are:
घटते हुए क्रम में लिखी संख्याएँ हैं:
Question 7:
Which of the following is least effective as an assessment strategy in mathematics at primary level?
प्राथमिक स्तर पर गणित के आकलन युक्ति के रूप में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा सबसे कम प्रभावशाली है?
Question 8:
एक शिक्षिका छात्रेभ्यः शिक्षणगतिविधीनाम् माध्यमेन मौखिकभाषां लिखितभाषां प्रयोक्तुम् अन्वेष्टुं च सा केन्द्रिता अस्ति
Question 9:
Your house is located at X and your school is located Y and there is no straight road between X and Y. So, in order to reach the school you first go to A which is 60 m due North of X, then go to B which is 25 m due East of A, then go to C which is 100 m due North of B and finally you reach your school which is 25 m due West of C. with respect to your school the correct direction of your house is.
आपका घर X और आपका विद्यालय Y पर स्थित है और X और Y के बीच कोई सीधी सड़क नहीं है। अतः विद्यालय पहुंचने के लिए आप पहले A पर जाते हैं जो X के ठीक उत्तर में 60m की दूरी पर है, फिर B पर जाते हैं, जो A के ठीक पूर्व में 25m दूरी पर है, फिर C पर जाते हैं, जो B के ठीक उत्तर में 100m की दूरी पर है। और अन्त में आप अपने विद्यालय पहुंचते हैं जो C के ठीक पश्चिम में 25m की दूरी पर हैं। आपके विद्यालय के सापेक्ष आपके घर की सही दिशा है।
Question 10:
In Computer Audio Instruction [CAI], the 'simulation mode' is where learners