Bihar Police Constable (09 June 2024)
Question 1:
Question 2:
Change in the position of an object relative to a fixed point is a motion. This change can be explained in which of the following form(s)?
किसी निश्चित बिंदु के सापेक्ष वस्तु की स्थिति में परिवर्तन एक गति है। इस परिवर्तन की व्याख्या निम्नलिखित में से किस /किन रूप/ रूपों में की जा सकती है?
Question 3:
According to the recent Forbes report, which is the strongest currency in the world?
फोर्ब्स की हाल की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दुनिया की सबसे मजबूत करेंसी कौन सी है?
Question 4:
What is the main component of vinegar?
सिरका का मुख्य घटक क्या है?
Question 5: सकर्मक क्रिया का वाक्य है-
Question 6:
The thinking of the makers of the Constitution is reflected in which part of the Constitution of India?
संविधान के निर्माताओं की सोच भारत के संविधान के किस हिस्से में परिलक्षित होती है?
Question 7:
What is the full form of NBFC?
NBFC (एनबीएफसी) का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?
Question 8:
_______ is the state flower of Jharkhand.
_______ झारखंड का राज्य फूल है।
Question 9:
Question 10:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow it.
Yesterday, two brave children of Gangapur were awarded Brave Hearts Award. They have exhibited a great spirit of selflessness and cour- age. Harsh, a twelve-year-old boy, saved a little girl from drowning in the river that flows along his village. Garima has been awarded for her presence of mind.
Which kind of noun is Gangapur?