CTET Level -2 (23 June 2024)

Question 1:

What do large scale maps show?

बड़े पैमाने वाले मानचित्र क्या दर्शाते हैं?

  • Climatic region of the world/ विश्व के जलवायु संबंधी क्षेत्र 

  • Continents and oceans / महाद्वीप और सागर 

  • Village and town localities / गाँव और शहरी इलाके 

  • States and countries / राज्य और देश 

Question 2:

The approach to bring together methods of enquiry and conceptual schemes from many disciplines into a combination for a course is called the following: 

एक पाठ्यक्रम में कई विषयों से अन्वेषण पद्धतियों एवं संकल्पनात्मक योजनाओं को साथ लाने के उपागम को कहते हैं : 

  • Unit approach / इकाई उपागम 

  • Integrated approach / समावेशी उपागम

  • Interdisciplinary approach / अंतर्विषयात्मक उपागम

  • Multidisciplinary approach / बहुविषयात्मक उपागम

Question 3:

दिए गए पद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए तथा पूछे गए प्रश्न के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन कीजिए ।

यह धरती कितना देती है ! धरती माता

कितना देती है अपने प्यारे पुत्रों को !

नहीं समझ पाया था में उसके महत्व को-

बचपन में निःस्वार्थ लोभ वश पैसे बेकार !

रत्न प्रसविनी है वसुधा, अब समझ सका हूँ।

इसमें सच्ची समता के दाने बोने हैं,

इसमें जन की क्षमता के दाने बोने हैं

इसमें मानव-ममता के दाने बोने हैं-

जिससे उगल सके फिर धूल सुनहली फसलें

मानवता की - जीवन श्रम से हँसे दिशाएँ-

हम जैसा बोयेंगे वैसा ही पायेंगे

विशेषण - विशेष्य का उदाहरण है :

  • सुनहली फ़सलें

  • धरती माता

  • मानव - ममता

  • जीवन श्रम

Question 4:

Reading for an instruction material is example of

  • Speaking-Writing communication

  • Speaking-Listening communication channel

  • Writing-Reading communication channel

  • Visualizing-Observing communication channel

Question 5:

प्रकार्यात्मकव्याकरणेन कः आशयः ?

  • व्याकरण शिक्षणं ध्येयः नास्ति


  • सनियमं व्याकरण शिक्षणम्

  • रूपं प्रकार्य प्रति च अवधानम्

  • व्याकरण शब्दावल्योः युगपद् शिक्षणम्

Question 6:

The Sachar commission has examinal the social and economic conditions of which particular community in India? 

सच्चर आयोग ने भारत के किस समुदाय की सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्थिति का निरीक्षण किया है? 

  • Muslim / मुस्लिम

  • Women / महिलाएँ 

  • Transgender / परलैंगिक

  • Sikh / सिक्ख 

Question 7:

A wooden spoon is dipped in a cup of ice-cream. Its other end 

लकड़ी की एक चम्मच को आइसक्रीम के प्याले में डुबोया जाता है। इसका दूसरा सिरा 

  • become cold by the process of convection विकिरण प्रक्रिया के कारण ठंडा हो जाएगा । 

  • become cold by the process of convection संवहन प्रक्रिया के कारण ठंडा हो जाएगा। 

  • does not become cold / ठंडा नहीं होगा । 

  • become cold by the process of conduction चालन प्रक्रिया के कारण ठंडा जाएगा। 

Question 8: CTET Level -2 (23 June 2024) 1

  •  केवल I / Only I

  • I तथा II दोनों / Both I and II

  • केवल II / Only II

  • ना ही I ना ही II / Neither I nor II

Question 9:

Misconceptions arise due to incorrect understanding of mathematical concepts. How can a teacher help her students with their misconceptions?

गणितीय अवधारणाओं की गलत समझ से भ्रान्तियाँ उत्पन्न होती हैं एक शिक्षिका अपने विद्यार्थियों की भ्रान्तियों को किस प्रकार दूर कर सकती है ?

  • By demonstrating correct procedures followed by revision/सही क्रियाविधियों को दर्शा कर, तत्पश्चात् उसकी पुनरावृत्ति करके

  • By suggesting some good books for practice / अभ्यास के लिए कई उत्तम पुस्तकों का सुझाव देकर

  • By not interfering at all as children will learn eventually / हस्तक्षेप ना करके क्योंकि बच्चे अंततः सीख ही जाएंगे

  • By observing their work and talking to them to know their understanding/उनके कार्य का अवलोकन करके और उनकी समझ को जानने के लिए उनसे बात करके

Question 10:

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from the given ones.

1. Ladakh, renowned as India's cold desert is an enchanting place dotted with snow-clad Himalayas, verdant valleys, high passes, peaceful monks and beautiful monasteries. The fairs and festivals of Ladakh have played a key role to showcase the true Buddhist culture, and traditions of this sacred and enchanting land. Hemis Festival is one such prominent festival that attracts people from across the world.

2. The two-day Hemis Festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and pomp all over the Ladakh region. The festival is organized in Hemis Gompa, which is one of the largest and richest Buddhist monasteries in the world. The Buddhist festival is held by the Lama Head to celebrate the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava, the Tibetan Buddhism founder.

3. The Hemis Monastery is situated about 40 km away from Leh. It is a UNESCO world heritage site that is owned by Drukpa Lineage. The monastery is enveloped by majestic mountains that captivate the attention of travelers visiting the monastery. The monastery was primarily founded by the first incarnation of Stagsang Raspa Nawang Gyatso in the year 1630. There are several stupas made up of gold and silver and holy 'thankas' inside the monastery in addition to the copper-gilt statue of the Lord Buddha.

4. Hemis Festival is one of those festivals that reflect the history, tradition and Buddhist culture. One of the prime attractions of the festival is the mask dance performed by the Lamas of the Hemis monastery. The dance illustrates the victory of good over evil. The Lamas dress themselves in dazzlingly patterned brocades and perform the dance around the central flagpole, which is situated in the courtyard of the monastery.

5. The dance movements are typically slow and every mask worn by the Lamas represents certain deities. Some of the dance forms depict the popular Tibetan fables.

What is the essence of the following statement in para 1?

"The fairs and festivals of Ladakh have played a key role to showcase the true Buddhist culture and traditions of this

Which of the following words in the passage means the same as the word 'triumph'?

  • Prominent

  • Verdant

  • Victory

  • Renowned

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