CTET Level -1 (23 June 2024)
Question 1:
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Heidi was enjoying herself in her new surroundings; she looked about till she found a shed, built against the hut, where the goats were kept; she peeped in, and saw it was empty. She continued her search and presently came to the fir trees behind the hut. A strong breeze was blowing through them, and there was a rushing and roaring in their topmost branches, Heidi stood still and listened. The sound growing fainter, she went on again, to the farther corner of the hut, and so round to where her grandfather was sitting. Seeing that he was in exactly the same position as when she left him, she went and placed herself in front of the old man, and putting her hands behind her back, stood and gazed at him. Her grandfather looked up, and as she continued standing there without moving, "What is it you want?" he asked
2. "I want to see what you have inside the house," said Heidi.
3. "Come then!" and the grandfather rose and went before her towards the hut.
4. The old man turned and looked searchingly at the child, whose dark eyes were sparkling in delighted anticipation of what she was going to see inside. "She is certainly not wanting in intelligence," he murmured to himself.
5. The old man now opened the door and Heidi stepped inside after him; she found herself in a good-sized room, which covered the whole ground floor of the hut. A table and a chair were the only furniture; in one corner stood the grandfather's bed, in another was hearth with a large kettle hanging above it; and on the further side was a large door in the wall - this was the cupboard.
6. Heidi looked carefully round the room, and asked, "Where am I to sleep, grandfather?"
7. "Wherever you like," he answered.
Heidi gazed at her grandfather silently because
Question 2:
In order to accommodate a student with locomotor disabilites schools should facilitate access and barrier free environment that includes provisions such as:
शारीरिक गतिक विकलांगता से जूझते छात्रों को समायोजित करने के लिए स्कूलों को पहुंच और बाधा मुक्त वातावरण की सुविधा प्रदान करनी चाहिए जिसमें निम्नलिखित प्रावधन शामिल होः
(i) Wheel chairs/ पहिया कुर्सी / व्हील चेयर
(ii) Walker / वाकर
(iii) Ramps with hand-rails/ हैंड-रेल के साथ रैंप
(iv) Embossed tiles / उभरा हुए टाइल
(v) Braille systems / ब्रेल प्रणाली
Question 3:
Which of the following do NOT follow the spirit of inclusive education?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन समावेशी शिक्षा की भावना का पालन नहीं करता है?
Question 4:
निर्देश : अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेभ्यः समीचीनमुत्तरं चिनुत ।
जननीमिव गरीयसीं गुरुतरां स्वमातृभूमिमयोध्यां प्रति लङ्कातः प्रतिष्ठमानस्य भगवतो रामचन्द्रस्येयमुक्तिः साकल्येनात्र उदिद्धयते-
'अपि स्वर्णमयी लङ्का न मे लक्ष्मण रोचते ।
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ॥'
इति । जननी जन्मभूमिश्चेत्युभे सम्मानार्हे पूज्ये चेत्यस्या संक्षेपेणाभिप्रायः । कस्याविदितं तत्थ्यमेतद्यद् जन्मदातृत्वात्, सुतसंवर्धकत्वाच्च कारुण्यमूर्तिर्माता स्वसन्ततीनां जीवनसर्वस्वम् । तत एव श्रुतिः - "मातृदेवो भव" "मातृमान् पुरुषो वेद" इत्यादिभिर वचनैर् मातुर् गौरवं स्फुटम् । महर्षिणा मनुना स्वकीये धर्मशास्त्रे मनुस्मृतौ मातुर् गौरवम् इत्थं प्रतिपादतमस्ति- "माता पृथिव्या मूर्तिस्तु" (मनुस्मृति 2.226) "माता गुरुतरा भूमेर्माता परं दैवतम्" इत्यादीन्यपि वचनानि जनन्याः सर्वातिशयित्वं प्रतिपादयन्ति । मातुर् महत्त्वातिशयस्य कारणेषु विचार्यमाणेषु तथ्यमेतत् पुर आयांति यन्माता ममत्वमूर्तिः, करूणामूर्तिः, क्षमामूर्तिश्च । या स्वकीयैर् दया क्षमा-स्नेहशील-माधुर्य- ममत्व - आदिगुणैर् भुवि दिवि अन्येषु च लोकेषु सर्वान् अतिशेते प्राणिनः । जन्मभूमिर् जनान् जनयन्ती स्वाङ्के धारयन्ती, शस्यादिभिः पोषयन्ती । स्व- जल-फल- वायु-आदिभिश्च पालयन्ती । अत एव जन्मभूमिर् अपि मातेव जनानां मान्या, पूज्या, सम्मानाह च । अथर्ववेदस्य पृथिवीसूक्ते (12-1) मातृभूमेर् गुणाः विस्तरेण वर्णिताः सन्ति । यथा - "माता भूमिः पुत्रोऽहं पृथिव्या: (12-1-12) भूमे मातर् निधेहि मा भद्रया सुप्रतिष्ठिम् । संविदाना दिवा कवे श्रिया मा धेहि भूयाम् ॥ (12.1.63) वयं तुभ्यं बलिहृताः स्याम् (12.1.62) इत्यादिभिर् वचनैर् वेदेषु मातृभूमेर् महिमा वर्णिता ।
मातृभूमेर् अनेनैव गौरवेण आकृष्टा महान्तः पुरुषास् तस्य सम्मानस्य रक्षार्थम् आत्मनो बलिदानं कृत्वा स्वजन्म धन्यं कुर्वन्ति । अस्माकं सम्पूर्ण : इतिहास:- ईदृशानां हुतात्मानां गौरवमय्या गाथया परिपूणोऽस्ति । स्वमातृ भूमेः कृते महाराणा प्रतापसिंहस्य - आत्माहुतिं को न जानाति ? को न जानाति क्षत्रपतिना शिवाजीमहाराजेन स्वमातृभूमि-उद्धाराय कृतं दीर्घकालिकं सङ्घर्षम् ?
प्रथमे स्वतन्त्रतासङ्ग्रामे स्वदेशस्य दासतापाशादुद्धारकर्तुम् बद्धपरिकरैर् नानाफड़नवीस - मङ्गलपाण्डेय- राज्ञीलक्ष्मीबाईप्रभृतिभिः कृता शौर्यमयी आत्माहुतिस्तु समेषां भारतीयानां विदितचरैव । को न जानाति क्रान्तिकारिणां वीरपुङ्गवानां भगतसिंह- चन्द्रशेखर आजाद-रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल - खुदीरामबोस- रासबिहारीघोष-अशफाकउल्लाखाँ - प्रभृतीनां पावनानि पुण्यमयानि चरितानि ?
को वाऽपरिचितो महर्षिदयानन्द-विवेकानन्द- बालगङ्गाधरतिलक- गोपाकृष्णगोखले- लालालाजपतराय-मदनमोहनमालवीय - महात्मागान्धि- जवाहरलाल नेहरू-सुभाषचन्द्रबोस - वल्लभभाईपटेल- राजेन्द्रप्रसादप्रभृतीनां
पुण्यनामभिर् यै मातृभूमिसेवेपरायणैर गृहीतदेशसेवाव्रतैर महाजनैस् तत्कृते का का विपदो नानुभूता ? ऐते महापुरुषाः स्वजन्मभूमेः सर्वमृणं शोधयित्वा इदानीं राष्ट्रदेवालयस्य दृढस्तम्भा इव राजन्ते ।
“लङ्कातः प्रतिष्ठमानस्य भगवतो रामचन्द्रस्येयमुक्तिः" इत्यत्र 'भगवतः ' अस्मिन्पदे का विभक्तिः ?
Question 5:
एक शिक्षिका छोटे बच्चों को शुरूआती वर्षों में नियंत्रण अथवा प्रोत्साहन के रूप में अपनी भाषा अर्जित करने के योग्य बनाती है और उसी के अनुरूप व्यवहार करने के लिए कहती है। वे ________ का अनुगमन कर रही है।
Question 6:
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Heidi was enjoying herself in her new surroundings; she looked about till she found a shed, built against the hut, where the goats were kept; she peeped in, and saw it was empty. She continued her search and presently came to the fir trees behind the hut. A strong breeze was blowing through them, and there was a rushing and roaring in their topmost branches, Heidi stood still and listened. The sound growing fainter, she went on again, to the farther corner of the hut, and so round to where her grandfather was sitting. Seeing that he was in exactly the same position as when she left him, she went and placed herself in front of the old man, and putting her hands behind her back, stood and gazed at him. Her grandfather looked up, and as she continued standing there without moving, "What is it you want?" he asked
2. "I want to see what you have inside the house," said Heidi.
3. "Come then!" and the grandfather rose and went before her towards the hut.
4. The old man turned and looked searchingly at the child, whose dark eyes were sparkling in delighted anticipation of what she was going to see inside. "She is certainly not wanting in intelligence," he murmured to himself.
5. The old man now opened the door and Heidi stepped inside after him; she found herself in a good-sized room, which covered the whole ground floor of the hut. A table and a chair were the only furniture; in one corner stood the grandfather's bed, in another was hearth with a large kettle hanging above it; and on the further side was a large door in the wall - this was the cupboard.
6. Heidi looked carefully round the room, and asked, "Where am I to sleep, grandfather?"
7. "Wherever you like," he answered.
The word 'hearth' means
Question 7:
Pace of learning is :
अधिगम की गतिः
Question 8:
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी युक्ति प्रभावशाली श्रवण के लिए नहीं है ?
Question 9:
Pace of learning is :
अधिगम की गतिः
Question 10:
___________ is learnt in a formal setting with the help of a teacher.