CTET Level -1 (23 June 2024)
Question 1:
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the best/most appropriate options:
1. World Wildlife Day just passed and so did thousands of birds and animals which face extinction on Earth. The UN finds one million animal and plant species confronting the end of their existence - species are vanishing thousands of times faster than over the last ten million years. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that humanity has wiped out 83% of wild mammals and half of all plants. Human activity has altered 75% of Earth's surface, and wildlife forced into shrinking corners where, as the WWF finds, hunting, pollution and climate change have caused a 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish since 1970.
2. This loss, termed the sixth mass extinction, has huge implications for humanity. The WEF terms biodiversity loss as the second most impactful risk humanity faces, affecting the creation of food, air, water, stable ground, commercial materials and life-saving medicines. It quantifies human dependence on biodiversity at a huge $44 trillion of economic value generation or over half the world's GDP. But biodiversity loss also has a deeper cost for this range of life, encompassing all creatures great and small, and is the result of 4 - 5 billion years of evolution. Each year, nature painstakingly wove a brilliant web of life where each organism is meant to contribute something to another. By tearing this web, humans are wrecking the very point of our existence, one among many placed on a planet blessed with life, all its beings meant to support each other.
3. Many mitigations are possible. These include encouraging afforestation and conservation, minimising pollution and banning hunting. Also, as an expert emphasises, we need to be more aware of the magical world of biodiversity, where creatures communicate through haunting calls and lingering fragrance, brilliant colours to bioluminescence.
Mindfulness brings us closer to our fellow beings - and to the core of our own lives.
The phrase, 'wipe out' in para 1 means:
Question 2:
निर्देश निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही। सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।
गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा में शिष्य के साथ गुरु का नाम पहले आता है। यह अमुक गुरु का शिष्य है- ऐसा कहा जाता है। गुरु अपने एक-एक शब्द से शिष्य में अवतरित होता है। जो शिष्य पूरी तरह से अपने गुरू को समर्पित है, उसके जीवन में एक समय आता है, जब वह गुरू की आराधना और उपासना करते-करते गुरुमय हो जाता है। शिष्य की वृत्ति सद्गुरू में मिल जाती है। उनकी प्रत्येक चेष्टा में, हावभाव में, वाणी में गुरू का ही प्रतिबिंब नजर आता है। इतना ही नहीं, उसकी आकृति भी गुरू जैसी हो जाती है। कई की तो वाणी भी गुरु जैसी ही हो जाती है। वाणी, विचार, वृत्ति, वेशभूषा, सब में जब सद्गुरु अवतरित होते हैं तब यह नहीं पूछना पड़ता कि तुम्हारा गुरु कौन है? तब तो यह शिष्य को देखते ही पता चल जाता है । जब परमात्मा अवतरित होते हैं, तो पहले सुयोग्य माता-पिता की खोज करते हैं, उसी प्रकार सद्गुरू अवतरित होने के लिए होनहार शिष्य ढूँढ़ते हैं। गुरू अपने शिष्य से माँ से भी ज्यादा परंपरा के माध्यम से यह अविनाशी गुरुतत्व हमेशा शिष्य को प्रकाश देता रहता है।
गुरु- -शिष्य परंपरा में ।
Question 3:
In the chapter, "From tasting to digesting" of EVS class V, it has been mentioned, "when Jhumpa tasted some of the things, she said "Sssee, Sssee, Sssee". "What do you think she may have eaten ?" The author is trying to relate this with which of the following?
कक्षा पाँचवी के पर्यावरण अध्ययन पाठ, "चखने से पचने तक" में, यह बताया गया है कि, "कुछ चीजें चखने के बाद झुम्पा बोली 'सी-सी-सी'। सोचो, उसने क्या खाया होगा?" लेखक इसे निम्नलिखित में से किससे संबंधित करने का प्रयास कर रहा है?
Question 4:
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the best/most appropriate options:
1. World Wildlife Day just passed and so did thousands of birds and animals which face extinction on Earth. The UN finds one million animal and plant species confronting the end of their existence - species are vanishing thousands of times faster than over the last ten million years. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that humanity has wiped out 83% of wild mammals and half of all plants. Human activity has altered 75% of Earth's surface, and wildlife forced into shrinking corners where, as the WWF finds, hunting, pollution and climate change have caused a 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish since 1970.
2. This loss, termed the sixth mass extinction, has huge implications for humanity. The WEF terms biodiversity loss as the second most impactful risk humanity faces, affecting the creation of food, air, water, stable ground, commercial materials and life-saving medicines. It quantifies human dependence on biodiversity at a huge $44 trillion of economic value generation or over half the world's GDP. But biodiversity loss also has a deeper cost for this range of life,
encompassing all creatures great and small, and is the result of 4 - 5 billion years of evolution. Each year, nature painstakingly wove a brilliant web of life where each organism is meant to contribute something to another. By tearing this web, humans are wrecking the very point of our existence, one among many placed on a planet
blessed with life, all its beings meant to support each other.
3. Many mitigations are possible. These include encouraging afforestation and conservation, minimising pollution and banning hunting. Also, as an expert emphasises, we need to be more aware of the magical world of biodiversity, where creatures communicate through haunting calls and lingering fragrance, brilliant
colours to bioluminescence. Mindfulness brings us closer to our fellow beings - and to the core of our own lives
Biodiversity is extremely beneficial as it:
Question 5:
Which of the following is NOT helpful in building the concept of place value in children?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा बच्चों में स्थानीय मान की अवधारणा विकसित करने में सहायक नहीं है ?
Question 6:
निर्देश : अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेभ्यः समीचीनमुत्तरं चिनुत ।
व्याकरणसम्बन्धिदोषादिरहिता व्यवस्थित-क्रियाकारक- विभागसमन्विताया भाषा सा संस्कृतभाषेति कथ्यते । इयं हि भाषा सर्वदोषशून्या अस्ति, अतः देववाणी, गीर्वाण- भारती, अमरभाषा इत्यादिभिः शब्दैः व्यवह्रियते । भाषागतमुदारत्वं मार्दवं मनोज्ञत्वं चास्याः वैशिष्टयम् । सेयं संस्कृतभाषा जगतः सर्वासु भाषासु प्राचीनतमा, सर्वोत्कृष्ट - साहित्य- संयुक्ता च वर्तते । अनन्तानन्तवर्षेषु व्यपगतेष्वपि अस्या माधुर्यम्, उदारत्वं च नाद्यापि विकृतम् । पाश्चात्त्यदेशीया विचारशीलाः कीलहार्न मैक्समूलर- मैकडानाल्ड कीथादयः विद्वांसः संस्कृत भाषायाः प्रशंसामकुर्वन् । सर्वासामार्य-भाषाणामुत्पत्तिः अत एव बभूव । पुरा सर्वे जनाः संस्कृतभाषयैवाभाषन्त । अतः सर्वमपि प्राक्तनं साहित्यं संस्कृतभाषायामेव उपलभ्यते । सर्वे प्राचीनग्रन्थाः चत्वारो वेदाश्च संस्कृत भाषायामेव सन्ति । वेदेषु मानवकर्तव्याकर्तव्ययोः सम्यक् निर्धारणमस्ति । ततो वेदानां व्याख्यानभूता ब्राह्मणग्रन्थाः वर्तन्ते । तदनु अध्यात्मविषयप्रतिपादिका उपनिषदो विद्यन्ते, यासां गरिमा पाश्चात्त्यबहुज्ञैरपि गीयते । ततोऽस्माकं गौरवग्रन्थाः षड्दर्शनानि सन्ति। एषामद्यापि विश्वस्य साहित्ये महत्त्वं वर्तते । ततः श्रौतसूत्राणां गृह्यसूत्राणां वेदव्याख्यानभूतानां षडङ्गानां गणनास्ति । महर्षिवाल्मीकिरचितस्य रामायणस्य, महर्षि व्यासरचितस्य महाभारतस्य निर्माणमपूर्वघटनैव वर्तते विश्वसाहित्ये । तत्र दुर्लभस्य कवित्वस्य, नैसर्गिक- सौन्दर्यस्य, अध्यात्मज्ञानस्य नीतिशास्त्रस्य च दर्शनं जायते । ततो भासाश्वघोष - कालिदास - भवभूति - दण्डि - बाण- सुबन्धु-हर्षप्रभृतयो महाकाव्यो नाट्यकाराश्च समायान्ति, येषामुदयेन न केवलमार्यावर्तः, अपितु सकलमेतत् जगत् धन्यमात्मानं मन्यते । कवि वराणामेतेषां वर्णने विद्वांसोऽपि न क्षमाः श्रीमद् भगवतगीता, स्मृतिग्रन्थाः पुराणानि च संस्कृतसाहित्यस्य महात्म्यं प्रकटयन्ति ।
संस्कृतसाहित्यं भारतस्य गौरवमुद्धोषयति । समस्तं देशं च एकतासूत्रे बध्नाति तत् । अस्य साहित्यस्य प्रचारः प्रसारश्च नितान्तं लाभप्रदः ।
मानवकर्त्तव्याकर्तव्ययोर् निर्धारणं कुत्र वर्तते ?
Question 7:
A teacher of Class 2 is focusing on enhancing the ability to accurately and efficiently recognize known words in printed text. These words are
Question 8:
निर्देश: निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।
धरती की परियों के सपनीले प्यार में
नई चेतना, नई उमंग बोलने लगी।
कुछ ऐसे भोर की बयार गुनगुना उठी,
अलसाए कुहरे की बाँह सिमटने लगी न
नरम-नरम किरणों की नई-नई धूप में
राहों के पेड़ों की छाँह लिपटने लगी।
भोर अपने संग क्या लाई है ?
Question 9:
Which one of the following is not based on a Top-down approach?
Question 10:
श्रेया नूतनानां शब्दानां श्रुतलेखे पर्याप्तानङ्कान् प्राप्नोति सा एषामर्थमपि जानाति, परं भाषणे लेखने च एतान् शब्दान् प्रयोगे अनर्हा । यतो हि एते शब्दाः तस्याः ……..