The key concepts/issues addressed in the theme Water' in class III EVS are
कक्षा III की पर्यावरण अध्ययन में विषय / पाठ 'जल' में जिन महत्वपूर्ण संप्रत्ययों / विषयों पर ध्यान दिया गया है, वे हैं
Local sources of water, uses of water, gender roles, distance estimates,, purification of water / जल के स्थानीय स्रोत, जल के उपयोग, लिंग भूमिका, दूरी के अनुमान, जल का शुद्धीकरण
Local sources of water, uses of water, gender roles, distance estimates / जल के स्थानीय स्रोत, जल के उपयोग, लिंग भूमिका, दूरी के अनुमान
Local sources of water, uses of water, gender roles, distance estimates, rainwater harvesting / जल के स्थानीय स्रोत, जल के उपयोग, लिंग भूमिका, दूरी के अनुमान, वर्षा जल संग्रहण
Local sources of water, uses of water, gender roles, distance estimates, social discrimination, clean water for drinking जल के स्थानीय स्रोत, जल के उपयोग, लिंग भूमिका, दूरी के अनुमान, सामाजिक भेदभाव, पीने के लिए स्वच्छ जल
कक्षा III की पर्यावरण अध्ययन में विषय / पाठ 'जल' में जल के स्थानीय स्रोत, जल के उपयोग, लिंग भूमिका, दूरी के अनुमान, सामाजिक भेदभाव, पीने के लिए स्वच्छ जल इन महत्वपूर्ण संप्रत्ययों / विषयों पर ध्यान दिया गया है। प्राथमिक स्तर पर, पर्यावरण एक एकीकृत विषय है जो विज्ञान ( भौतिक, रासायनिक और जैविक) सामाजिक अध्ययन (इतिहास, भूगोल, राजनीति विज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र आदि) और पर्यावरण शिक्षा (सुरक्षा और संरक्षण) से अंतर्दृष्टि प्राप्त करता है। इसका उद्देश्य बच्चों में उस माहौल के समग्र या एकीकृत परिप्रेक्ष्य को विकसित करना है, जहाँ वे रहते हैं। पृथ्वी का लगभग 70% हिस्सा पानी है, इसके बावजूद दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में साफ पानी की कमी है। जल संरक्षण महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह पर्यावरण की रक्षा करते हुए पानी को शुद्ध और स्वच्छ रखता है। विश्व जल दिवस 22 मार्च को मनाया जाता है। 1993 से प्रतिवर्ष 22 मार्च को आयोजित होने वाला विश्व जल दिवस, मीठे पानी के महत्व पर केंद्रित है ।
भाषा शिक्षण में संरचनात्मक उपागम में शिक्षक से अपने ज्ञान के माध्यम से ज्ञान का निर्माण करने के लिए छात्रों की सहायता की अपेक्षा की जाती है ।
Question 3:
A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of his learners through a/an
proficiency test
achievement test
aptitude test
diagnostic test
A diagnostic test is designed specifically to identify areas of weakness or difficulty in a student's understanding.
• By conducting a diagnostic test, a teacher can better understand the specific areas where a student is struggling and then develop targeted strategies to address those weaknesses.
This kind of test is often used at the beginning of a new course or after students have demonstrated consistent difficulty or poor performance in a particular area.
• It can help a teacher identify if the cause of poor grades is due to lack of understanding in some areas, misconceptions, or gaps in prerequisite knowledge.
• Once these are identified, the teacher can take steps to remediate those specific issues, leading to improvement in the learners' grades.
A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of his learners through a diagnostic test.
• "Proficiency test" measures a learner's ability in a language, without being tied to a specific course.
• "Achievement test" evaluates a student's understanding of a specific course or study program. "Aptitude test" predicts a student's ability to succeed in a certain skill or field of study.
Question 4:
Raziya is performing an experimental activity which was performed by her teacher earlier. She commits a mistake. What should her teacher Roshan do?
रजिया एक प्रयोगात्मक गतिविधि का प्रदर्शन कर रही है, जो पूर्व में उसके शिक्षक द्वारा प्रदर्शित की गई थी। वह एक गलती करती है। उसके शिक्षक रोशन को निम्नलिखित में से क्या करना चाहिए?
He should correct the mistake. उसे गलती को सुधार देना चाहिए ।
He should not correct the mistake. उसे गलती को नहीं सुधारना चाहिए।
He should point out the mistake and let her explore the correct answer. उसे गलती को संकेत करना चाहिए और बच्चे को सही हल खोजने देना चाहिए ।
He should point out her mistake and explore the correct answer for her उसे उसकी गलती को संकेत करना चाहिए और उसे सही हल खोज कर देना चाहिए।
रजिया एक प्रयोगात्मक गतिविधि का प्रदर्शन कर रही है, जो पूर्व उसके शिक्षक द्वारा प्रदर्शित की गई थी। वह एक गलती करती है। उसके शिक्षक रोशन को उसके गलती को इंगित करना चाहिए और रजिया को सही हल खोजने देना चाहिए। ध्यातव्य है कि शिक्षक को अपने छात्रों की गलतियों को पहचान कराना चाहिए और उन्हे स्वयं उस समस्या को हल खोजने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना चाहिए, इससे छात्रों में करके सीखने के कौशल का विकास होगा ।
Question 5:
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the best/most appropriate options:
1. World Wildlife Day just passed and so did thousands of birds and animals which face extinction on Earth. The UN finds one million animal and plant species confronting the end of their existence - species are vanishing thousands of times faster than over the last ten million years. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that humanity has wiped out 83% of wild mammals and half of all plants. Human activity has altered 75% of Earth's surface, and wildlife forced into shrinking corners where, as the WWF finds, hunting, pollution and climate change have caused a 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish since 1970.
2. This loss, termed the sixth mass extinction, has huge implications for humanity. The WEF terms biodiversity loss as the second most impactful risk humanity faces, affecting the creation of food, air, water, stable ground, commercial materials and life-saving medicines. It quantifies human dependence on biodiversity at a huge $44 trillion of economic value generation or over half the world's GDP. But biodiversity loss also has a deeper cost for this range of life, encompassing all creatures great and small, and is the result of 4 - 5 billion years of evolution. Each year, nature painstakingly wove a brilliant web of life where each organism is meant to contribute something to another. By tearing this web, humans are wrecking the very point of our existence, one among many placed on a planet blessed with life, all its beings meant to support each other.
3. Many mitigations are possible. These include encouraging afforestation and conservation, minimising pollution and banning hunting. Also, as an expert emphasises, we need to be more aware of the magical world of biodiversity, where creatures communicate through haunting calls and lingering fragrance, brilliant colours to bioluminescence. Mindfulness brings us closer to our fellow beings - and to the core of our own lives.
Identify the statement which is factually incorrect.
Biodiversity loss is the second most risk humans are facing today.
The WWF blames humans for colossal loss of wild animals and plants
Wildlife is forced into shrinking corners due to human activity
There has been 78% fall in the number of birds and animals.
The correct answer is 'There has been 78% fall in the number of birds and animals!
The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that humanity has wiped out 83% of wild mammals and half of all plants. Human activity has altered 75% of Earth's surface, and wildlife forced into shrinking corners where, as the WWF finds, hunting, pollution and climate change have caused a 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish since 1970."
• These sentences suggest that according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), humanity has wiped out 83% of wild mammals and half of all plants.
• Human activity has affected 75% of the Earth's surface, forcing animals into diminishing corners where, according to the WWF, hunting, pollution, and climate change have resulted in a 68% decline in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish since 1970.
• So, option 2 is the statement which is factually incorrect.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option 2.
Question 6:
निर्देश: निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।
धरती की परियों के सपनीले प्यार में
नई चेतना, नई उमंग बोलने लगी।
कुछ ऐसे भोर की बयार गुनगुना उठी,
अलसाए कुहरे की बाँह सिमटने लगी न
नरम-नरम किरणों की नई-नई धूप में
राहों के पेड़ों की छाँह लिपटने लगी।
'नरम ' - नरम किरणों से क्या तात्पर्य है?
सूरज की किरणें धूप में नहा ली हैं
सूरज की किरणें नरम पड़ रही हैं
सूरज की किरणें नरम होती हैं
सूरज अभी - अभी उगा है
'नरम-नरम' किरणों से तात्पर्य है- सूरज अभी-अभी उगा है। शेष अन्य विकल्प असंगत है।
Question 7:
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Heidi was enjoying herself in her new surroundings; she looked about till she found a shed, built against the hut, where the goats were kept; she peeped in, and saw it was empty. She continued her search and presently came to the fir trees behind the hut. A strong breeze was blowing through them, and there was a rushing and roaring in their topmost branches, Heidi stood still and listened. The sound growing fainter, she went on again, to the farther corner of the hut, and so round to where her grandfather was sitting. Seeing that he was in exactly the same position as when she left him, she went and placed herself in front of the old man, and putting her hands behind her back, stood and gazed at him. Her grandfather looked up, and as she continued standing there without moving, "What is it you want?" he asked
2. "I want to see what you have inside the house," said Heidi.
3. "Come then!" and the grandfather rose and went before her towards the hut.
4. The old man turned and looked searchingly at the child, whose dark eyes were sparkling in delighted anticipation of what she was going to see inside. "She is certainly not wanting in intelligence," he murmured to himself.
5. The old man now opened the door and Heidi stepped inside after him; she found herself in a good-sized room, which covered the whole ground floor of the hut. A table and a chair were the only furniture; in one corner stood the grandfather's bed, in another was hearth with a large kettle hanging above it; and on the further side was a large door in the wall - this was the cupboard.
6. Heidi looked carefully round the room, and asked, "Where am I to sleep, grandfather?"
7. "Wherever you like," he answered.
Heidi asked her grandfather where she would sleep because
the room had no furniture.
the house had only one room.
there was only one bed in the room.
she was feeling sleepy.
The correct answer is: there was only one bed in the room.
• The passage describes the room inside the hut, where Heidi found a table, a chair, her grandfather's bed, and a hearth.
• The presence of only one bed was likely noticeable to Heidi, prompting her to ask her grandfather where she would sleep.
• This action reflects Heidi's practical concern about where she would rest for the night, given the limited number of beds in the room.
• Therefore, the correct explanation is that Heidi inquired about her sleeping arrangement because there was only one bed in the room.
Hence, option 2 is the correct answer.
Question 8:
In which of the following, the numbers are written in ascending order?
निम्न में से किसमें संख्याएँ बढ़ते क्रम में लिखी हुई है?
5.02, 5.022, 5.032, 5.201, 5.32
5.02, 5.022, 5.032, 5.32, 5.201
5.32, 5.201, 5.032, 5.022, 5.02
5.02, 5.32, 5.022, 5.201, 5.032
संख्याओं को बढ़ते हुए क्रम को आरोही क्रम तथा संख्याओं को घटते हुए क्रम को अवरोही क्रम कहा जाता है।
संख्याओं का बढ़ता हुआ क्रम
5.02 < 5.022 < 5.032 <5.201 < 5.32
Question 9:
The learning disability that affects the ability to read, interpret and understand letters, words and symbols is
Learning disabilities/disorders are diagnosed particularly when children start going to school and are engaged in academic activities with other children in the school. It may be caused due to premature birth, low birth weight, and malnutrition.
• Dyslexia is a language disorder related to reading. It affects the ability to read, interpret and understand letters, words and symbols.
• Dyslexia is the most common learning disability which makes learners confused with the same shapes and sounds of alphabet and makes them unable to read, interpret, and understand letters and words.
• Also, they make mistakes when reading aloud and face visual disturbances when reading sentences or words. In this situation, audio aids help them in understanding concepts by activating their sense of hearing.
Hence, it could be concluded that the learning disability that affects the ability to read, interpret and understand letters, words and symbols is dyslexia.
• Dyspraxia is a motor skills disorder that is caused due to low birth weight and premature birth. It may be caused due to a family history of dyspraxia.
• Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects mathematical abilities. These children may struggle with number recognition, mathematical operations, and understanding mathematical concepts.
• Dysphasia refers to a language disorder that affects the ability to comprehend and express language. Children with dysphasia may have difficulties with speech, understanding spoken language, and forming coherent sentences.
शिक्षार्थिनः व्याकरणिकान्नियमान् शनैः शनैः पौनः पुन्येन च शिक्षन्ते । सर्वान् व्याकरणिकनियमानाम् एकदैव ज्ञानस्य अपेक्षया शनैः शनैः व्याकरणिकनियमानाम् एकदैव ज्ञानस्य अपेक्षया शनैः शनैः व्याकरणनियमाः ज्ञातव्याः । एतत् शिक्षणं वर्तुलाकार - शिक्षणम् कथ्यते। अर्थात् शिक्षार्थी व्याकरणिक नियमों को धीरे-धीरे और बार- बार सीखते हैं। सभी व्याकरणिक नियमों को एकबार ही ज्ञान की अपेक्षा से धीरे-धीरे व्याकरण के नियम ज्ञात होते हैं । यह शिक्षण वर्तुलाकार - शिक्षण कहलाता है ।