DSSSB MTS (09 June 2024)

Question 1:

Where was the Desert Festival 2024 organized recently?

हाल ही में डेजर्ट फेस्टिवल 2024 का आयोजन कहाँ हुआ था ?

  • बीकानेर / Bikaner

  • जैसलमेर / Jaisalmer

  • उदयपुर / Udaipur

  • जोधपुर / Jodhpur

Question 2:

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।

  • अद्वीतय

  • अदितीय

  • अद्वितीय

  • अद्वीतीय

Question 3:

Direction :- Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

The pyramids that you see in Egypt were built by the Pharoh dynasties who ruled the ancient kingdom of Egypt for thousands of years.

  • Fulfillment

  • Pharoh

  • Strategy

  • Ensure

Question 4: DSSSB MTS (09 June 2024) 1

  • F

  • G

  • B

  • E

Question 5:

Direction :- Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

The common sunflower is valuable from an economic as well as from an ornamental point of view. The leaves are used as fodder, the flowers yield a yellow dye, and the seeds contain oil and are used for food. The sweet yellow oil obtained by compression of the seeds is considered equal to olive or almond oil for table use. Sunflower oil cake is used for stock and poultry feeding. The oil is also used in soap and paints and as a lubricant. The seeds may be eaten dried, roasted or ground into nut butter and are common in birdseed mixes.

Which of the following facts is mentioned in the given passage?

  • Sunflowers can be grown anywhere.

  • The sunflower's leaves, flowers and seeds have many uses.

  • Sunflower seeds have no other use except for making oil.

  • Oil from sunflower seeds is only meant for human consumption.

Question 6:

वहाँ भयंकर दुर्घटना हुई है।' रेखांकित पद___________ है।.

  • संबंधबोधक विशेषण

  •  प्रविशेषण

  •  क्रियाविशेषण

  • विशेषण

Question 7: DSSSB MTS (09 June 2024) 3

  • a

  • b

  • d

  • c

Question 8:

There are six persons, P, Q, R, S, T and U. R is lighter than P but heavier than Q. S is lighter than U. T is heavier than P. U is lighter than Q. Who is the heaviest among them all?

छह व्यक्ति जिनके नाम P, Q, R, S, T और U है। R, P से हल्का है लेकिन Q से भारी है। S, U से हल्का है | T, P से भारी है। U, Q से हल्का है। उन सभी में से सबसे भारी कौन है ?

  • R

  • P

  • T

  • Q

Question 9:

When did India participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?

भारत ने पहली बार ओलंपिक खेलों में कब भाग लिया था-

  • 1972

  • 1920

  • 1928

  • 1974

Question 10: DSSSB MTS (09 June 2024) 4

  • c

  • b

  • a

  • d

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