Bihar Police Constable (16 June 2024)

Question 1:

Find the median of the following numbers.

निम्नलिखित संख्याओं की माध्यिका ज्ञात कीजिए।

2, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 4, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3

  • 3

  • 4

  • 4.5

  • 3.5

Question 2:

JIMAX is a joint naval exercise?

जीमैक्स (JIMAX) संयुक्त नौसेना अभ्यास है ?

  • भारत-जापान / India-Japan

  • भारत – सिंगापुर / India - Singapore

  • भारत-चीन / India-China

  • भारत-यूके / India-UK

Question 3:

The item with the highest combined weight in the All India Consumer Price Index is-

अखिल भारतीय उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक में सबसे ज्यादा संयुक्त वजन वाला आइटम है-

  • आवास / Accommodation

  • कपड़े और जूते / Clothes and shoes

  • ईंधन और प्रकाश / Fuel and light

  • खाद्य और पेय / Food and drinks

Question 4:

पुल्लिंग शब्द का चयन कीजिए ।

  • वधू

  • लेखिका

  • नायिका

  • धावक

Question 5:

Directions: Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question of four alternatives. 

The martyrs who laid down their lives for the freedom of the country had a lofty vision of the future. They wanted the nation to be free all slavery and bondage. They wanted an Indian in which all the communities would live in perfect harmony and in which there would be no high class and no low class of people, the curse of untouchability having been wiped out completely. Women would enjoy rights with men and contribute their fullest to the making of a great nation. Such a vision was in keeping with the ancient glory of the country renowned for its slpendid achievements in literature, art and culture. We must now revitalize this ancient culture of ours with tolerance as it is masthead. If we forget or cease to take pride in our noble heritage, we shall have to face severe indictment in the court of history which is a ruthless judge and seldom spares the erring people. 

The martyrs wanted that: 

  • there should be reservation in the jobs for the backward sections of the society 

  • there should be perfect communal love and peace in the country 

  • the old caste system should be retained in the future 

  • the women should look after their families only 

Question 6: Bihar Police Constable (16 June 2024) 2

  • a

  • d

  • c

  • b

Question 7:

The magnitude of earthquake strength is measured by:

भूकम्प की शक्ति के परिमाण को मापा जाता है :

  • एम्पीयर पैमाने पर / Ampere scale

  • रिक्टर पैमाने पर / Richter scale

  • केल्विन पैमाने पर / Kelvin scale

  • रॉन्टजन पैमाने पर / Roentgen scale

Question 8:

Which magazine did Mahatma Gandhi publish during his stay in South Africa?

दक्षिण अफ्रीका में प्रवास के दौरान महात्मा गांधी ने कौन सी पत्रिका का प्रकाशन किया?

  • न्यू इंडिया / New India

  • इंडियन रिफार्मर / Indian Reformer

  • नवजीवन / Navjeevan

  • इंडियन ओपिनियन / Indian Opinion

Question 9:

Microeconomics is related to?

व्यष्टि अर्थशास्त्र का संबंध है?

  • व्यक्तिगत आर्थिक एजेंटों के व्यवहार से / By the behavior of individual economic agents

  • A और B दोनों / Both A and B

  • सम्पूर्ण अर्थव्यवस्था की समझ से / From the understanding of the entire economy

  • उपर्युक्त में से किसी से नहीं / None of the above

Question 10:

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

निम्न में से कौन-सा एक सही सुमेलित है?

Bihar Police Constable (16 June 2024) 4

  • c

  • d

  • a

  • b

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