CTET Level -2 (30 June 2024)

Question 1:

भाषा अध्यापक होने के नाते, भाषा शिक्षण अधिगम के बारे में आपका क्या मत है?

(i) भाषा अधिगम में बोधगम्य योग्यताएँ उत्पादक कौशल से पहले आती हैं 

(ii) श्रवण के द्वारा अर्जित कौशल दूसरे कौशलों में स्थानान्तरित होते हैं 

(iii) भाषा शिक्षण में अर्थ पर बल देना चाहिए न कि नियमों पर 

(iv) भाषा शिक्षण पर्यावरणीय प्रभावों से मुक्त होना चाहिए। 

  • (ii), (iii) और (iv)

  • (i), (iii) और (iv) 

  • (i), (ii) और (iv) 

  • (i), (ii), (iii) 

Question 2:

Which of the following is not true about nature of mathematics?

गणित की प्रकृति के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से क्या सही नहीं है?

  • Mathematics is based on deductive reasoning. / गणित निगमनात्मक विवेचन पर आधारित है ।

  • Mathematics is much more abstract and hierarchic than most of the other subjects which children learn at the same age. / गणित उन अधिकांश विषयों की तुलना में बहुत अधिक अमूर्त और पदानुक्रमित है जो बच्चे उसी उम्र में सीखते हैं।

  • Mathematics at school level requires special aptitude in learners. / स्कूली स्तर पर गणित में शिक्षार्थियों में विशिष्ट अभिवृत्ति आवश्यक होती है।

  • Primary concepts in mathematics are abstract in nature. / गणित में प्राथमिक अवधारणाएँ प्रकृति में अमूर्त होती हैं।

Question 3:

While discussing the topic of reservation a teacher has to focus on the following ideas:

आरक्षण के विषय पर चर्चा के समय एक शिक्षक को निम्नलिखित विचारों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिये ।

(A) Equality / समानता 

(B) Equity / समता 

(C) Justice / न्याय 

(D) Stereotypes / रूढ़िवादिता

option / उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनें। 

  • (C) and (D)/ (C) और (D) 

  • (A), (B) and (D)/ (A), (B) और (D) 

  • (A), (B) and (C) / (A), (B) और (C)

  • (A) and (C) / (A) और (C) 

Question 4:

Which fundamental right has been reported by the Supreme Court to include within its fold the right to livelihood? 

उच्चतम न्यायालय ने किस मौलिक अधिकार का विस्तार करते हुए, जीविका के अधिकार को उसका एक अंग बताया है? 

  • Right to equality / समानता का अधिकार

  • Right to life / जीवन का अधिकार 

  • Right against exploitation / शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार 

  • Right to freedom / स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार

Question 5:

कश्चिद् अध्यापकः स्वछात्रान् पाठ्यं तूष्णीं पठितुं कथयति। अध्यापकरूपेण स छात्रान् निर्दिशेत् –

  • यदि ते कमपि शब्दं कठिनम् अनुभवन्ति, तदा ते अध्यापकं अगच्छन्तु।

  • प्रकरणानुसारं नवीनशब्दानां अर्थाः निष्कृष्टव्या तथा अर्थावबोधेन सह पठितव्याः ।

  • पाठ्ये प्रयुक्ताः व्याकरणनियमाः रेखाक्तिव्या तथा तेषु विशेषं ध्यानं दातव्यम् ।

  • यदि ते पाठ्यस्य अर्थबोधं कर्तुं न शक्नुवन्ति तदापि पाठ्यं निर्दिष्टकाले पठितव्यम् ।

Question 6:

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. 
1. We were walking across the garden when my daughter spotted a cluster of familiar red flowers. She pulled me to one side and then, looking excitedly at me as though she had a secret to share, she pulled me down to her height and whispered in my ears. I shot up straight almost as soon as she had finished her sentence. With my mouth ajar, I was about to tell her that it was probably not a good idea to do when I was transported to the time when I was around her age. 
2. It had been a rather long day from school and I was dead tired. I was walking along the pathway that was lined with many ixora plants when my friend grabbed me by the arm. Before I could do anything, he gleefully plucked a single flower from the cluster and showed it to me. Unimpressed, I was not about to be swayed by a puny flower and was about to admonish him when he turned the flower upside down to show me a tiny almost invisible thread-like thing that protruded out from its stalk. 
3. He pulled the faint yellowish thread and right at the end of it, a tiny drop of nectar appeared. At least, that was what I think it was, as it was really quite sweet. That day we raided the ixora plants. We really had a lot of fun. I could still taste the sweetness till today. My daughter's urgent tug brought me back to reality. I turned to my daughter and decided that she too needed to know the joy of tasting sweet nectar from beautiful blooms.

From the given anecdote, one can assume that the 2 characters shared the relationship of :

  • grandmother and grand-child

  • best friends

  • mother and daughter

  • school-mates

Question 7:

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar converted to which religion in search of equality? 

समानता की खोज में डा. भीम राव अंबेडकर ने धर्म परिवर्तन कर किस धर्म को अपनाया? 

  • Islam /इस्लाम 

  • Buddhism / बौद्ध धर्म 

  • Christianity/ इसाई धर्म

  • Jainism जैन धर्म 

Question 8: CTET Level -2 (30 June 2024) 1

  • d

  • a

  • c

  • b

Question 9:

Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow. 
Untouchable, a charming French comedy about two friends who have almost nothing in common, has been a huge international success. But before the story became a cinematic sensation, how exactly did a rich French aristocrat and an Algerian immigrant with a criminal past become good friends? Philip and Abdul first met in Paris in 1993 when Philip was looking for a nurse. He was from a very wealthy family. At one time he had been a successful business man, living a life of great luxury. Then he had a terrible paragliding accident and lost the use of his arms and legs. Life in a wheelchair was lonely and boring. Philip was struggling to imaging the future, and he needed practical help with his day-to- day life. 
Philip interviewed more than 80 people for the job of a nurse. But none of them seemed right. Then he met Abdul, who had quit a life of crime in Algeria and moved to France to look for work. He was lively, intelligent and quick-thinking, with a crazy sense of humor. Philip got on With 
Abdul immediately, and he offered him the job. The two men didn't have much in common. Abdul loved pop music, but Philip preferred classical music. Philip loved modern art, but Abdul hated it. Philip's family  was sure that he had made a bad choice. They believed that Philip needed someone much more sensible. Meanwhile, Abdul wasn't planning on staying in the job for long. 
However, their working relationship quickly developed into a close friendship. Abdul gave Philip the support he needed. More importantly, his energy and sense of humor brought fun and excitement back into Philip's life. Abdul helped Philip make trips to other countries. Both of them now live in different countries, each with a wife and family. They keep in touch regularly. All that really matters to their friendship, though, it is their shared love of laughter and adventure.

Why did Philip need a nurse?

  • To listen to classical music together

  • To resolve Abdul's immigration status

  • To help him with day-to-day practical things of life

  • To wipe out Abdul's criminal past

Question 10:

Which among the following is / are true about mathematical games?

A. Mathematical games are like open-ended play.

B. Mathematical games are governed by a set of rules and have a clear underlying structure.

C. Mathematical games have specific mathematical cognitive objectives.

Choose the correct option:

गणितीय खेलों के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-से सत्य है/हैं?

A. गणितीय खेल आम दिनचर्या वाले खेलों के समान हैं।

B. गणितीय खेल नियमों के समुच्चय द्वारा संचालित होते हैं और उनमें एक स्पष्ट संरचना होती है।

C. गणितीय खेलों के विशिष्ट गणितीय संज्ञानात्मक उद्देश्य होते हैं।

सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए:

  • Only C / केवल C

  • B and C / B और C

  • A and B / A और B

  • A and C / A और C

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