CTET Level -2 (30 June 2024)

Question 1:

Which of the following statements are correct regarding assessment in science? 

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा वक्तव्य विज्ञान में आकलन करने के सन्दर्भ में सही है? 

(A) Continuous assessment dilutes teaching- learning / निंतर आकलन पढ़ाने-सीखने को हीन बनाता है।

(B) It is impractical to record each task of each student / हर छात्र के हर नियत कार्य की अभिलिखित करना अव्यावहारिक है। 

(C) Qualitative criteria help in meaningful assessment / गुणात्मक मापदण्ड अर्थपूर्ण आकलन में सहायता करते हैं । 

(D) Every concept need not be tested /हर अवधारणा को परखना आवश्यक नहीं है । 

  • A, B 

  • A, D 

  • B, C 

  • C, D 

Question 2:

निर्देश: - अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषुः उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत । 
नर्मदातीरे एकः वृक्षः आसीत् । तत्र स्वपरिश्रमेण निर्मितेषु नीडेषु खगाः सुखेन वसन्ति स्म। एकदा महती वृष्टिः अभवत् । सः वानरः वृष्टिजलेन अतीव आर्द्रः कम्पितः च अभवत् । खगाः शीतेन कम्पमानं वानरम् अवदन् - भो वानर ! त्वं कष्टम् अनुभवसि । तत् कथं गृहस्य निर्माणं न करोषि ! यदा सः वानरः एतत् अशृणोत् तदा सः अचिन्तयत - अहो ! एते क्षुद्राः खगाः मां निन्दन्ति । सः वानरः खगानां नीडानि वृक्षात् अधः अपातयत् । खगानां नीड: सह तेषाम् अण्डानि अपि नष्टानि । सत्यम् एव उक्तम् 
उपदेशो हि मूर्खाणां प्रकोपाय न शान्तये ।

'कम्पमानम्' इत्यस्मिन् पदे कः कृत्प्रत्ययः प्रयुक्तः?

  • कानच्

  • शतृ

  • मानच्

  • शानच्

Question 3:

A class VII mathematics teacher tells her students that they will do a magic in the class today. The teacher asks one of the students to choose any 2 digit number and reverse the digits to get a new number.

Then she asks to add these two numbers and divide the sum by 11. Then she asked what did you get? The most appropriate aim to perform this activity is :

कक्षा VII की गणित की शिक्षिका ने अपने विद्यार्थियों से कहा कि वे आज कक्षा में एक जादू करेंगे । शिक्षिका ने एक छात्र को किन्हीं 2 अंकीय संख्याओं का चयन करने एवं उन्हें पलट कर एक नई संख्या प्राप्त करने के लिए कहा। तत्पश्चात् उन्होंने उन दो संख्याओं को जोड़ने एवं उनके योग को 11 से भाग करने के लिए कहा। तत्पश्चात् उसने पूछा आपको क्या प्राप्त हुआ?

इस क्रियाकलाप को करने का सबसे उपयुक्त उद्धेश्य हैः

  • To make the lecture joyful/व्याख्यान को आनंददायी बनाना

  • To provide some leisure time in the class/कक्षा में फुर्सत का कुछ समय प्रदान करना

  • To let students explore various properties. of numbers and patterns / विद्यार्थियों को संख्याओं के विभिन्न गुणधर्मों एवं उनके प्रतिमानों का अन्वेषण करने देना

  • To engage students in the class while she is busy in some work / कक्षा में विद्यार्थियों को व्यस्त रखना जब तक शिक्षिका अपने किसी काम में व्यस्त है ।

Question 4:

What is the need for having a historically valid science curriculum ? 

विज्ञान की पाठ्यचर्या के ऐतिहासिक रूप से वैध होने की क्या आवश्यकता है? 

(a) It helps understand how social factors influence the development of science. यह समझने में मदद करता है कि कैसे सामाजिक कारक विज्ञान के विकास को प्रभावित करते हैं। 

(b) It helps the learner to view science as infallible. यह शिक्षार्थी को विज्ञान को अचूक के रूप में देखने में मदद करता है। 

(c) It helps learners appreciate how the concepts of science evolve with time. विज्ञान की अवधारणाएं समय के साथ कैसे विकसित होती है यह सराहना करने में शिक्षार्थी की मदद करता है। 

(d) It helps to highlight the achievement of western countries in science. यह विज्ञान में पश्चिमी देशों की उपलब्धि को दिखाने में मदद करता है। 

  • Only (b) / केवल b 

  • (a) and (b) / a और b

  • (a ) and (c) / a और c

  • only (d) / केवल d 

Question 5:

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सही नहीं है? 

  • The motion of a child on a swing is period as well as oscillatory. / झूले पर झूलते एक बच्चे की गति आवर्ती भी है और दोलनीय भी । 

  • The motion of a point on the blade of an electric fan is circular as well as periodic. / बिजली के किसी पंखे के एक ब्लेड पर अंकित बिंदु की गति वृत्तीय भी है और आवर्ती भी । 

  • The motion of the needle of a sewing machine is oscillatory as well as rectilinear. एक सिलाई मशीन की सुई की गति दोलनीय भी है और रैखिक भी 

  • The motion of a ball rolling on the ground is rectilinear as well as rotational. ज़मीन पर लुढ़कती एक गेंद की गति रैखिक भी है और घूर्णानात्मक भी । 

Question 6:

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. 
1. We were walking across the garden when my daughter spotted a cluster of familiar red flowers. She pulled me to one side and then, looking excitedly at me as though she had a secret to share, she pulled me down to her height and whispered in my ears. I shot up straight almost as soon as she had finished her sentence. With my mouth ajar, I was about to tell her that it was probably not a good idea to do when I was transported to the time when I was around her age. 
2. It had been a rather long day from school and I was dead tired. I was walking along the pathway that was lined with many ixora plants when my friend grabbed me by the arm. Before I could do anything, he gleefully plucked a single flower from the cluster and showed it to me. Unimpressed, I was not about to be swayed by a puny flower and was about to admonish him when he turned the flower upside down to show me a tiny almost invisible thread-like thing that protruded out from its stalk. 
3. He pulled the faint yellowish thread and right at the end of it, a tiny drop of nectar appeared. At least, that was what I think it was, as it was really quite sweet. That day we raided the ixora plants. We really had a lot of fun. I could still taste the sweetness till today. My daughter's urgent tug brought me back to reality. I turned to my daughter and decided that she too needed to know the joy of tasting sweet nectar from beautiful blooms.

'to be transported in time' means _____________.

  • recollect memories of the past

  • travel backwards

  • to indulge in time travel

  • to take future decisions

Question 7:

An imaginary line drown on a globe to divide it into two equal parts is known as the ________

ग्लोब को दो बराबर भागों में बॉटने के लिए खीची गई काल्पनिक रेखा को ______ कहा जाता है। 

  • Tropic of Capricorn / मकर रेखा 

  • Arctic Circle / उत्तर- ध्रुवीय वृत्त 

  • Equator / विषुवत रेखा 

  • Tropic of Cancer / कर्क रेखा 

Question 8:

Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow. 
Untouchable, a charming French comedy about two friends who have almost nothing in common, has been a huge international success. But before the story became a cinematic sensation, how exactly did a rich French aristocrat and an Algerian immigrant with a criminal past become good friends? Philip and Abdul first met in Paris in 1993 when Philip was looking for a nurse. He was from a very wealthy family. At one time he had been a successful business man, living a life of great luxury. Then he had a terrible paragliding accident and lost the use of his arms and legs. Life in a wheelchair was lonely and boring. Philip was struggling to imaging the future, and he needed practical help with his day-to- day life. 
Philip interviewed more than 80 people for the job of a nurse. But none of them seemed right. Then he met Abdul, who had quit a life of crime in Algeria and moved to France to look for work. He was lively, intelligent and quick-thinking, with a crazy sense of humor. Philip got on With 
Abdul immediately, and he offered him the job. The two men didn't have much in common. Abdul loved pop music, but Philip preferred classical music. Philip loved modern art, but Abdul hated it. Philip's family  was sure that he had made a bad choice. They believed that Philip needed someone much more sensible. Meanwhile, Abdul wasn't planning on staying in the job for long. 
However, their working relationship quickly developed into a close friendship. Abdul gave Philip the support he needed. More importantly, his energy and sense of humor brought fun and excitement back into Philip's life. Abdul helped Philip make trips to other countries. Both of them now live in different countries, each with a wife and family. They keep in touch regularly. All that really matters to their friendship, though, it is their shared love of laughter and adventure.

Why did Philip need a nurse?

  • To resolve Abdul's immigration status

  • To help him with day-to-day practical things of life

  • To listen to classical music together

  • To wipe out Abdul's criminal past

Question 9:

कश्चिद् बालकः स्वपित्रा सह आपणं गच्छति । तस्य पिता गच्छन् मार्गचिह्मनि आपणचिह्मनि च दर्शयति, पठति च। अनेन तस्य निम्नलिखितस्य विकासे सहायता भविष्यति .

  • ध्वनिग्राम (phonemic) परिचये

  • मुद्रणपरिचये

  • चिह्न (sign) भाषापरिचये

  • शिष्टाचार - परिचये

Question 10:

Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow. 
Untouchable, a charming French comedy about two friends who have almost nothing in common, has been a huge international success. But before the story became a cinematic sensation, how exactly did a rich French aristocrat and an Algerian immigrant with a criminal past become good friends? Philip and Abdul first met in Paris in 1993 when Philip was looking for a nurse. He was from a very wealthy family. At one time he had been a successful business man, living a life of great luxury. Then he had a terrible paragliding accident and lost the use of his arms and legs. Life in a wheelchair was lonely and boring. Philip was struggling to imaging the future, and he needed practical help with his day-to- day life. 
Philip interviewed more than 80 people for the job of a nurse. But none of them seemed right. Then he met Abdul, who had quit a life of crime in Algeria and moved to France to look for work. He was lively, intelligent and quick-thinking, with a crazy sense of humor. Philip got on With 
Abdul immediately, and he offered him the job. The two men didn't have much in common. Abdul loved pop music, but Philip preferred classical music. Philip loved modern art, but Abdul hated it. Philip's family  was sure that he had made a bad choice. They believed that Philip needed someone much more sensible. Meanwhile, Abdul wasn't planning on staying in the job for long. 
However, their working relationship quickly developed into a close friendship. Abdul gave Philip the support he needed. More importantly, his energy and sense of humor brought fun and excitement back into Philip's life. Abdul helped Philip make trips to other countries. Both of them now live in different countries, each with a wife and family. They keep in touch regularly. All that really matters to their friendship, though, it is their shared love of laughter and adventure.

Complete the given word analogy :

Luxury : opulence :: sensation : ?

  • suspicion

  • callousness

  • disaster

  • feeling

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