CTET Level -2 (30 June 2024)

Question 1:

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. 
1. We were walking across the garden when my daughter spotted a cluster of familiar red flowers. She pulled me to one side and then, looking excitedly at me as though she had a secret to share, she pulled me down to her height and whispered in my ears. I shot up straight almost as soon as she had finished her sentence. With my mouth ajar, I was about to tell her that it was probably not a good idea to do when I was transported to the time when I was around her age. 
2. It had been a rather long day from school and I was dead tired. I was walking along the pathway that was lined with many ixora plants when my friend grabbed me by the arm. Before I could do anything, he gleefully plucked a single flower from the cluster and showed it to me. Unimpressed, I was not about to be swayed by a puny flower and was about to admonish him when he turned the flower upside down to show me a tiny almost invisible thread-like thing that protruded out from its stalk. 
3. He pulled the faint yellowish thread and right at the end of it, a tiny drop of nectar appeared. At least, that was what I think it was, as it was really quite sweet. That day we raided the ixora plants. We really had a lot of fun. I could still taste the sweetness till today. My daughter's urgent tug brought me back to reality. I turned to my daughter and decided that she too needed to know the joy of tasting sweet nectar from beautiful blooms.

In Para 1, according to the mother it was not a good idea to:

  • walk in the garden the whole day long

  • raid the ixora plants

  • walk along the pathway alone

  • taste sweet nectar from flowers

Question 2:

Prince Charles mountains, which is associated with iron ore is located in: 

लौह अयस्क से सम्बद्ध प्रिंस चार्ल्स पर्वत अवस्थित है- 

  • North America/उत्तर अमेरिका में 

  • Australia / ऑस्ट्रेलिया में 

  • Antarctica / अंटार्कटिका में 

  • South America / दक्षिण अमेरिका में 

Question 3: CTET Level -2 (30 June 2024) 1

  • 40 व 25 वर्ष

  • 50 व 20 वर्ष

  • 45 व 15 वर्ष

  • 35 व 20 वर्ष

Question 4:

Which among the following would be called self-employed? 

निम्नलिखित में से कौन स्वरोजगार में संलग्न हैं? 

  • A government factory worker / एक कपड़े के कारखाने में काम करने वाला श्रमिक 

  • A rickshaw puller / एक रिक्शा चलाने वाला 

  • A cosmetic brand sales women / एक सौन्दर्य प्रसाधन ब्रांड की विक्रेता 

  • A cell centre employee / एक कॉल सेन्टर का कर्मचारी

Question 5:

Assessment of social science learning:

सामाजिक विज्ञान के अधिगम का आंकलनः 

  • is not useful as learners are from diverse backgrounds / उपयोगी नहीं है क्योंकि अधिगमकर्ता विविध पृष्ठभूमियों से होते हैं। --: 

  • helps find out those with poor social skills / सामाजिक कौशल में कमजोरों का पता लगाने में सहायक होते है । 

  • helps find progress being made in the educational sector / शैक्षिक सेक्टर में प्रगति का पता करने में सहायक है। 

  • helps find out the progress in learners over a period of time / एक समय अवधि में अधिगमकर्ताओं में प्रगति का पता लगाने में सहायक होते हैं। 

Question 6:

A teacher can address conceptual errors in mathematics by:

एक अध्यापिका गणित की अवधारणाओं से संबंधित त्रुटियों को कैसे संबोधित कर सकती है?

  • focusing on formal algorithm in the class / कक्षा में औपचारिक कलनविधि पर बल देकर

  • using summative assessment strategies / योगात्मक आकलन युक्तियों का उपयोग करके

  • solving many questions herself in the class/ कक्षा में बहुत से प्रश्नों का स्वयं हल प्रस्तुत करके

  • using alternate pedagogical strategies / वैकल्पिक शिक्षणशास्त्रीय युक्तियों का प्रयोग करके

Question 7:

निर्देश: - अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां प्रश्नसङ्ख्या विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषु उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत । 
एकदा दशबालकाः स्नानाय नदीम् अगच्छन् । ते निर्मले शीतले च नदीजले चिरं स्नानम् अकुर्वन् । ततः ते तीर्त्वा पारं गताः । तदा तेषां नायकः अपृच्छत् – अपि सर्वे बालकाः नदीम् उत्तीर्णाः? इति। 
तदा कश्चित् बालकः अगणयत् - एकः, वौ, त्रयः, चत्वारः, पञ्च, षट्, सप्त, अष्टौ, नव इति । सः स्वं न अगणयत्। अतः सः अवदत् - नव एव सन्ति । दशमः न अस्ति इति । अपरः अपि बालकः पुनः अन्यान् बालकान् अगणयत्। तदा अपि नव एव आसन् । अतः ते निश्चयम् अकुर्वन् यत् दशमः नद्यां मग्नः इति । ये दुःखिताः तूष्णीम् अतिष्ठन् । 
तदा कश्चित् पथिकः तत्र आगच्छत् । सः तान् बालकान् दुःखितान् दृष्ट्वा अपृच्छत् बालकाः युष्माकं दुःखस्य कारणं किम् ? इति। बालकानां नायकः अकथयत् वयं दश बालकाः स्नातुम् आगताः । इदानीं नव एव स्मः । एकः नद्यां मग्नः इति । 
पथिकः तान् अगणयत् । तत्र दश बालकाः एव आसन्। सः नायकम् आदिशत्-त्वं बालकान् गणय इति । सः तु नव बालकान् एव अगपायत्। तदा पथिकः अवदत् - दशमः त्वम् असि इति । 
तत् श्रुत्वा प्रहृष्टाः भूत्वा सर्वे गृहम् अगच्छन्।

'युष्माकम् ' शब्दस्य व्युत्पत्तिः दीयताम्?

  • अस्मद् + षष्ठी बहुवचनम्

  • एतद् + षष्ठी बहुवचनम्

  • युष्मद् + षष्ठी बहुवचनम्

  • त्वत् + षष्ठी बहुवचनम्

Question 8:

Learning is most effective and meaningful when 

अधिगम सबसे अधिक प्रभावशाली और अर्थपूर्ण होगा, अगरः 

  • it occurs in contextualised manner यह संदर्भित रूप में हो । 

  • learners are performance-oriented अधिगमकर्ता प्रदर्शन-अभिमुखी हो । 

  • information is presented in disconnected chunks / जानकारी असंबंधित खण्डों में प्रस्तुत की जाए

  • learners are motivated by intrinsic factors अधिगमकर्ता बाह्य कारकों से अभिप्रेरित हो । 

Question 9:

छात्राणां अध्ययन-अध्यापन कार्ये निम्नलिखितेषु कक्षायां किं न साधनम् ?

  • पठनकोणः (Reading corner)

  • शब्दभित्तिः (Word wall)

  • कक्षा - कार्यविधयः (Classroom procedures)

  • कक्षापुस्तकालय: (Classroom library)

Question 10:

Tropic of Cancer, Equator and Tropic of Capricorn do not pass through which of the following continent/s? 

कर्क रेखा, विषुवत रेखा और मकर रेखा निम्नलिखित में से किन महाद्वीप / महाद्वीपों से नहीं गुजरती है ? 

  • Australia and Antarctica/आस्ट्रेलिया और अंटार्कटिका 

  • Europe and Antarctica / यूरोप और अंटार्कटिका

  • North America and Antarctica / उत्तर अमेरिका और अंटार्कटिका 

  • Only Antarctica / केवल अंटार्कटिका 

✅ BPSC 70वीं RE EXAM DATE. Indian Navy Civilian Recruitment INCET 01/2024 Answer Key Notice Assistant Engineer ke 604 Posts Par Aj Se Kar Sakte h Apply.