CTET Level -1 (30 June 2024)
Question 1:
The purpose of diagnostic test in language learning is to
Question 2:
निर्देशः निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सही / सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए ।
जिस विद्यार्थी ने समय की कीमत जान ली, वह सफलता को अवश्य प्राप्त करता है। प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी को अपनी दिनचर्या की समय-सारणी अथवा तालिका बनाकर उसका पूरी दृढ़ता से पालन करना चाहिए । जिस विद्यार्थी ने समय का सही उपयोग करना सीख लिया उसके लिए कोई भी काम करना असंभव नहीं है । कुछ लोग ऐसे भी हैं जो कोई काम पूरा न होने पर समय की दुहाई देते हैं । वास्तव में सच्चाई इसके विपरीत होती है । अपनी अकर्मण्यता और आलस को वे समय की कमी के बहाने छिपाते हैं । कुछ लोगों को अकर्मण्य रह कर निठल्ले समय बिताना अच्छा लगता है ऐसे लोग केवल बातूनी होते हैं । दुनिया के सफलतम व्यक्तियों ने सदैव कार्यव्यस्तता जीवन बिताया है । दुनिया में अथवा प्रकृति में हर वस्तु का समय निश्चित है । समय बीत जाने के बाद कार्य फलप्रद नहीं होता ।
" सदुपयोग" का सही संधि-विच्छेद होगा ।
Question 3:
Alka, a student of class III often makes a mistake between/sh/and/s/. As a language teacher your interpretation will be.
Question 4:
Individuals are assessed by comparing their performance or performance or score against their own previous performance or score in :
व्यक्तियों का उनके स्वयं के पिछले प्रदर्शन या स्कोर के सापेक्ष उनके प्रदर्शन या अंकों की तुलना की जाती है।
Question 5:
Conceptual understanding in students' improves when teacher emphasizes upon
विद्यार्थियों में अवधारणात्मक समझ तब अच्छी होती है जब शिक्षक जोर डालते हैं
Question 6:
Which of the following is the most appropriate example of activity-based approach to teaching and learning of properties of geometries shapes in class IV?
कक्षा IV में क्रियाकलाप आधारित विधि द्वारा ज्यामितीय आकृतियों के गुणधर्म के शिक्षण-अधिगम हेतु निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा उदाहरण सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त होगा?
Question 7:
Directions: Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.
Water is the core of life; hence water must be central to our spiritual thinking. Water is not only most of earth, but also most of life. Therefore water conservation must be our deepest concern.
The Himalayan mountain range is among the highest, youngest and most fragile ecosystem of the planet. The Himalayas have given us some of the great river system of the earth including the Indus, Ganga, Brahmputra, Nu Salween, Yangtze and the Mekong. The Himalayas are also called the 'Third Pole', for they contain the largest mass of ice and snow outside the earth's polar region, the north and south poles. There is a permanent snowline above 5,000 metres. Some of the glaciers in the region are the longest outside the two poles.
The Himalayas serve as water towers, providing water on a sustained basis to more than 1,000 million people and millions of hectares of land is South Asia. The greenery, benevolent climate, highly productive ecosystems, food production and overall happiness in South Asia are in fact, attributable to the bounty of the Himalayas. They are not only beautiful; they are life-givers. Little wonder that they are venerated as the abode of gods.
To keep the Third Pole preserved through assured conservation is one of the greatest challenges for the contemporary world. Himalayan mountains are a common but fragile natural resource. As mountain ecosystems have enormous bearing on the earth's systems their special care, regeneration and conservation of their pristine resources would only bring more happiness, peace and prosperity to large parts of the world. In Agenda 21, Chapter 13 of the United Nations, the importance of mountains is underlined: "mountain environments are essential to the survival of global ecosystems."
The Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand are especially rich in water resources. This area is home to dozens of perennial streams and numerous other rain-fed rivers along with innumerable rivulets, waterfalls and ponds, etc.
Which one of the following words is most similar in meaning to the word, 'bounty'?
Question 8:
निर्देश : अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषु उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत ।
‘अहमेकदा दक्षिणारण्ये चरन्नपश्यम् । एको वृद्धव्याघ्रः स्नातः कुशहस्तः सरस्तीरे बूते - 'भो भोः पान्थाः ! इदं सुवर्णकङ्कणं गृह्यताम् "' ततो लोभाकृष्टेन केनचित्पान्थेनालोचितम् – भाग्येनैतत्संभवति । किंत्वस्मिन्नात्मसंदेहे प्रवृत्तिर्न विधेया । तन्निरूपयामि तावत् । 'प्रकाशं ब्रूते - 'कुत्र तव कङ्कणम् ?' व्याघ्रो हस्तं प्रसार्य दर्शयति । पान्थोऽवदत् - 'कथं मारात्मके त्वयि विश्वासः ?” व्याघ्र उवाच - शृणु रे पान्थ ! प्रागेव यौवनदशयामतिदुर्वृत्तम् आसम् । अनेकगोमानुषाणां वधान्मे पुत्रा मृता दाराश्च। वंशहीनश्चाहम् । ततः केनचिद्धार्मिकेणाहमादिष्टः - " दानधर्मादिकं चरतु भवान् । " तदुपदेशादिदानीमहं स्नानशीलो दाता वृद्धों गलितनखदन्तो कथं न विश्वासभूमिः ?
तदत्र सरसि स्नात्वा सुवर्णकंङ्कणं गृहाण ।' ततो यावदसौ तद्वचः प्रतीतो लोभात्सरः स्नातुं प्रविशति तावन्महापङ्के निमग्रः पलायितुमक्षमः । पङ्के पतितं दृष्ट्वा व्याघ्रोऽवदत् - 'अहह, महापङ्केपतितोऽसि ।
अतस्त्वामहमुत्थापयामि ।' इत्युक्त्वा शनैः शनैरुपगम्य तेन व्याघ्रेण धृतः ।
व्याघ्रः किं वस्तु ग्रहितुं लोभं प्रादात् ?
Question 9:
Children learn language with much ease upto a specific period of time because they are especially responsive to environmental influences in that period. This period is known as _____period of development.
बच्चे समय की एक विशिष्ट अवधि तक बहुत सरलता के साथ भाषा सीखते हैं क्योंकि उस अवधि में वे पर्यावरणीय प्रभावों के साथ प्रतिक्रिया करते हैं। इस अवधि को विकास की किस अवधि के रूप में जाना जाएगा?
Question 10:
In a language classroom a teacher is asking students to interact in groups and then share their personal response to the poem with each other. This task promotes social interaction as advocated by ___________.