CTET Level -1 (30 June 2024)

Question 1:

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow, by selecting the correct/most appropriate options:

Each drop represents a little bit of creation and of life itself. When the monsoon brings to northern India the first rains of summer, the parched earth opens its pores and quenches its thirst with a hiss of ecstasy. After baking in the sun for the last few months, the land looks cracked, dusty and tired. Now, almost overnight, new grass springs up, there is renewal everywhere, and the damp earth releases a fragrance sweeter than any devised by man.

Water brings joy to earth, grass, leaf bud, blossom, insect, bird, animal and the pounding heart of man. Small children run out of their homes to romp naked in the rain. Buffaloes, which have spent the summer listlessly around lakes gone dry, now plunge into a heaven of muddy water. Soon the lakes and rivers will overflow with the monsoon's generosity. Trekking in the Himalayan foothills, I recently walked for kilometres without encountering habitation. I was just scolding myself for not having brought along a water bottle, when I came across a patch of green on a rock face. I parted a curtain of tender maiden hair fern and discovered a tiny spring issuing from the rock-nectar for the thirsty traveller.

I stayed there for hours, watching the water descend, drop by drop, into a tiny casement in the rocks. Each drop reflected creation. That' same spring. I later discovered, joined other springs to form a swift, tumbling stream, which went cascading down the hill into other streams until, in the plains, it became part of a river. And that river flowed into another mightier river that kilometres later emptied into the ocean. Be like water, taught Laotzu, philosopher and founder of Taoism. Soft and limpid, it finds its way through, over or under any obstacle. It does not quarrel, it simply moves on.

To become part of a river, a tiny drop has to

  • depend on external forces

  • merge its identity

  • have a lot of strength

  • Suffer a lot.

Question 2:

निर्देश : अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेषु उचिततमम् उत्तरं चिनुत ।

‘अहमेकदा दक्षिणारण्ये चरन्नपश्यम् । एको वृद्धव्याघ्रः स्नातः कुशहस्तः सरस्तीरे बूते - 'भो भोः पान्थाः ! इदं सुवर्णकङ्कणं गृह्यताम् "' ततो लोभाकृष्टेन केनचित्पान्थेनालोचितम् – भाग्येनैतत्संभवति । किंत्वस्मिन्नात्मसंदेहे प्रवृत्तिर्न विधेया । तन्निरूपयामि तावत् । 'प्रकाशं ब्रूते - 'कुत्र तव कङ्कणम् ?' व्याघ्रो हस्तं प्रसार्य दर्शयति । पान्थोऽवदत् - 'कथं मारात्मके त्वयि विश्वासः ?” व्याघ्र उवाच - शृणु रे पान्थ ! प्रागेव यौवनदशयामतिदुर्वृत्तम् आसम् । अनेकगोमानुषाणां वधान्मे पुत्रा मृता दाराश्च। वंशहीनश्चाहम् । ततः केनचिद्धार्मिकेणाहमादिष्टः - " दानधर्मादिकं चरतु भवान् । " तदुपदेशादिदानीमहं स्नानशीलो दाता वृद्धों गलितनखदन्तो कथं न विश्वासभूमिः ?

तदत्र सरसि स्नात्वा सुवर्णकंङ्कणं गृहाण ।' ततो यावदसौ तद्वचः प्रतीतो लोभात्सरः स्नातुं प्रविशति तावन्महापङ्के निमग्रः पलायितुमक्षमः । प‌ङ्के पतितं दृष्ट्वा व्याघ्रोऽवदत् - 'अहह, महापङ्केपतितोऽसि ।

अतस्त्वामहमुत्थापयामि ।' इत्युक्त्वा शनैः शनैरुपगम्य तेन व्याघ्रेण धृतः ।

वृद्धव्याघ्रः कुत्रासीत् ?

  • तडागस्य तीरे

  • नदी तीरे

  • वने

  • मार्गमध्ये

Question 3:

बहुभाषिककक्षा अस्ति

  • शिक्षार्थिनः प्रथमभाषां वैविध्येन वदन्ति

  • शिक्षकाः शिक्षार्थिनां भाषां जानन्ति

  • प्रत्येकं शिक्षार्थी द्वयाधिकं भाषा जानाति

  • शिक्षार्थिनः अनेकासु भाषासु पाठ्यन्ते

Question 4:

सतत - व्यापक - मूल्याङ्कन - विषये अधस्तनेषु किं असत्यम् ?

  • छात्रः मूल्याङ्कन प्रविधिभिः अवगतः अस्ति ।

  • छात्रस्य सतत- मूल्याङ्कनम् ।

  • छात्रस्य सावधिक - मूल्याङ्कनम् ।

  • छात्रः शिक्षकात् प्रतिपुष्टिः गृह्णाति ।

Question 5:

Ryan recently learned that 'cooked' is the past form of cook. After that Ryan is using 'ed' for every change to past form such as broken instead of broked. This tendency to apply same rule to everything suggests that children tend to _____their understanding. 

रेयान ने कुछ दिन पहले ही जाना है कि अंग्रेजी के किसी शब्द के पीछे 'ed' लगाने से उस शब्द का रूप वर्तमान से भूतकाल में बदल जाता है। इस जानकारी को पाने के बाद रेयान हर शब्द का भूतकाल रूप दर्शाने के लिए यह तरीका अपना रहा है। बच्चों द्वारा किसी नियम को हर दशा में निरूपित करने का यह रुझान उनकी अपनी सोच को ________ की प्रवृत्ति दर्शाती है। 

  • bilingualise / द्विभाषिक 

  • over regularise / अतिनियमित

  • underestimate / कमत्तर आँकने

  • restrict / प्रतिबंधित 

Question 6:

In a constructivist classroom language learning would most importantly be based on :

  • group discussion and peer interaction.

  • correction of spelling errors and making sure that they are not repeated.

  • minute observation and record of each child's handwriting development.

  • carefully completing the language syllabus.

Question 7:

एका शिक्षिका छात्रैः कृताः वर्तनीत्रुटीः व्याकरणात्मक त्रुटी: च एकत्रीकरोति । तदा सा प्रतिसप्ताहं छात्रैः सह परिचर्चां करोति किन्तु त्रुटिकर्तुः उल्लेखः न करोति । अयं ज्ञायते

  • छात्रान् सूचयति यत् त्रुटयः भाषाशिक्षणे बाधकाः सन्ति

  • छात्रान् सूचयति यत् तेषां त्रुटयः गम्भीराः सन्ति

  • उपचारात्मक अध्यापनम् (Remedial teaching)

  • परिपुष्टिप्रदानम् (Providing feedback)

Question 8:

As per Jean Piaget's theory, individuals strive to achieve the state of _______ through assimilation and accomodation. 

जीन पियाजे के सिद्धान्त के अनुसार, व्यक्ति आत्मसात्करण और समंजन के माध्यम से किस स्थिति को प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करते हैं? 

  • Misconception / भ्रम 

  • Disequilibration/असंतुलन

  • Equilibration/संतुलन 

  • Perception / प्रत्यक्ष अवबोधन

Question 9:

Which among the following is the most appropriate activity for teaching the concept of money in daily life to primary class students?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा क्रियाकलाप, प्राथमिक कक्षाओं के विद्यार्थियों को दैनिक जीवन में मुद्रा अवधारणा के शिक्षण के लिए सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त है?

A. Organising a role play/भूमिका निर्वहन आयोजित करना

B. Visiting a nearby market / समीप के बाजार जाकर

C. Teaching the rules of conversion for different types of money/विभिन्न प्रकार के मुद्रा परिवर्तन के नियमों के शिक्षण द्वारा

D. Using an algorithm / कलन विधि का उपयोग करना

Choose the correct option:

सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए :

  • C and D/C और D

  • B and D/B और D

  • A and B / A और B

  • Only C / केवल C

Question 10:

Which of the following themes/subthemes could be related to the competency given below ? "Evaluates suggestions regarding counselling and mental well-being for people who have faced disaster and the trauma of losing one's home." 

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा विषय / उप-विषय नीचे दी गई दक्षता से संबंधित हो सकता है? 

"उन लोगों के लिए परामर्श और मानसिक कल्याण के बारे में सुझावों का मूल्यांकन करता है जिन्होंने आपदा का सामना किया है और अपने घर को खोने के आघात का सामना किया है। " 

  • Travel / यात्रा 

  • Shelter / आश्रय 

  • Work and play / कार्य और खेल

  • Water / पानी 

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