SSC CGL Tier 1 (16 June 2024)
Question 1:
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.
A. These lotteries organized by State Governments sell dreams.
B. Lured by this, millions of poor people waste their hard- earned money.
C. Crores of rupees and gold are offered as prizes.
D. People buy lotteries hoping to become rich overnight.
Question 2:
According to the 2011 Census of India, which group of Union Territories of India has the highest literacy rate?
भारत की 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार, भारत के केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के किस समूह की साक्षरता दर सर्वाधिक है ?
Question 3:
When litmus paper is put in soap water its color changes to __________.
जब साबुन के पानी में लिटमस पेपर को डाला जाता है तो उसका रंग __________ में बदल जाता है।
Question 4:
Who among the following became a part of the Constituent Assembly from Madras constituency in 1946?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन 1946 में मद्रास निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से संविधान सभा का हिस्सा बना?
Question 5:
The stage of the embryo in which all body parts can be identified is called ___________.
भ्रूण की वह अवस्था जिसमें सभी शारीरिक भागों की पहचान हो सके ___________ कहलाता है।
Question 6:
Question 7:
Where was India's first Gati Shakti Research Chair established recently?
हाल ही में भारत की प्रथम गति शक्ति अनुसंधान पीठ कहाँ स्थापित की गई?
Question 8:
Question 9:
Which of the following rivers originates near Sihawa in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh and flows through Odisha and ultimately falls into the Bay of Bengal?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी नदी छत्तीसगढ़ के रायपुर जिले में सिहावा के निकट से निकलती है और ओडिशा से बहते हुए अंततः बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है?
Question 10: