DSSSB TGT PART-1 (16 June 2024)

Question 1:

Who has recently become the temporary member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)?

हाल ही में यूनाइटेड नेशंस सिक्योरिटी काउंसिल (UNSC) का अस्थायी सदस्य कौन बना है?

  • भारत / India

  • पाकिस्तान / Pakistan

  • बांग्लादेश / Bangladesh

  • अफगानिस्तान / Afghanistan

Question 2:

Direction :- Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Dhyan Chand is ___________ one of the greatest hockey players of all time.

  • observed

  • thought

  • considered

  • believed

Question 3:

Direction :- Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underline/Bold segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to improve it, select 'no improvement required'.

Though Mr. Swami ran in debt, he did not stop wasting money.

  • ran along

  • ran into

  • ran over

  • ran to

Question 4:

Who appoints the members of the State Public Service Commission?

राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के सदस्यों की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

  • राज्यपाल / Governor

  • मुख्यमंत्री / Chief Minister

  • उपराष्ट्रपति / Vice President

  • मुख्य न्यायाधीश / Chief Justice

Question 5:

Direction :- The following sentence has been divided into parts that contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.

According to current research by World Health Organisation, a 65-year-old person is then no longest categorised as old.

  • categorised as old

  • According to current research by World Health Organisation

  • a 65 year old person

  • is then no longest

Question 6:

Direction :- Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

The judges applauded me for my __________ performance at the competition.

  • usual

  • normal

  • large

  • outstanding

Question 7:

चिड़िया आकाश में उड़ रही है। इस वाक्य में 'उड़ रही' क्रिया किस प्रकार की है?

  • अकर्मक

  • समापिका

  • असमापिका

  • कर्म

Question 8: DSSSB TGT PART-1 (16 June 2024) 1

  • fathers, masons and women पिताओं, राजमिस्त्रीओं और महिलाओं 

  • flower, leaves and roots /फूल, पत्ते और जड़ें 

  • Cars, bicycles and vehicles/कारें, साइकलें और वाहनों 

  • apples, brinjals and vegetables सेब, बैंगन और सब्जियां 

Question 9:

What will be the amount after 3 years on a principal of Rs. 8000, if the interest rate is 4% per annum in the first year and the rate is increased by 50% every year thereafter?

रु. 8000 मूलधन पर 3 वर्ष बाद मिश्रधन क्या होगा, यदि पहले वर्ष ब्याज दर 4% प्रतिवर्ष पर हो और हर वर्ष बाद दर 50% बढ़ा दी जाए?

  • रु. 9878


  • रु. 10064


  • रु. 10423

  • रु. 9613


Question 10:

What is the annual account of all receipts and expenditure of the government in a fiscal year called?

किसी राजकोषीय वर्ष में सरकार की सभी प्राप्तियों और व्यय का वार्षिक लेखा-जोखा क्या कहलाता है ?

  • राजस्व / Revenue

  • बजट / Budget

  • कर / Tax

  • पूंजी / Capital

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