UPSC NDA II General Ability Test (30 June 2024)

Question 1: UPSC NDA II General Ability Test (30 June 2024) 1

  • c

  • b

  • d

  • a

Question 2:

On a bright (sunny) day the temperature of a place is 113 on the Fahrenheit scale. What will be the Kelvin scale reading of this temperature?

एक उजले (धूप वाले) दिन किसी स्थान का तापमान फॉरेनहाइट पैमाने (स्केल) पर 113 है। इस तापमान का केल्विन स्केल पाठ्यांक कितना होगा? 

  • 62.8K 

  • 335.8K 

  • 45K 

  • 318K 

Question 3:

If the length of a simple pendulum is increased 9 times and the mass of its bob is increased 4 times, then its period of oscillation will be- (T initial oscillation period)

यदि एक सरल लोलक की लम्बाई 9 गुना एवं इसके गोलक का द्रव्यमान 4 गुना कर दें तो इसका दोलनकाल हो जाएगा- (T प्रारम्भिक दोलनकाल) 

  • 4T 

  • 3T

  • 2T 

  • 3/2T 

Question 4:

Which state has launched 'Savera' program for detection and prevention of breast cancer?

किस राज्य द्वारा स्तन कैंसर की पहचान और निवारण के लिए 'सवेरा' कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत की गई है ? 

  • पंजाब Punjab

  • बिहार Bihar

  • हरियाणा Haryana

  • नई दिल्ली New Delhi

Question 5:

Directions :- Each of the following sentences has an underlined word. Read the sentence carefully and find which word class the underlined word belongs to. Indicate your response on the Answer sheet accordingly.

Let's get some lunch before class.

  •  adverb

  • preposition

  • conjunction

  • adjective

Question 6:

Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined word.

The manager noticed a discrepancy between the two audit reports.

  • major difference

  • selfish interest

  • deliberate mistake

  • great similarity

Question 7:

Directions :- In this section, there is a passsge having some blank spaces, each blank space is followed by four alternatives or words. Select a word or group of words you consider the most appropriate for filling the blank space, and indicate your response.

The working of the stomach was (a) ………….. by a strange accident. In 1822, a man named Alexis St. Martin was (2) ……………. hit by a shot gun. The bullet had seriously (3) ………… the chest wall and made a hole in

(4) …………… stomach. He was brought to an American army (5) …………. William Beaumont.

The doctor saved the patient but he (6) ………… not close the hole properly. Beaumont took it as a (7) …………… opportunity to see the inside of the stomach (8) ………. the hole. He made some wonderful observations. Beaumont (9) …….…….. that the stomach was churning food. Its wall secreted a fluid (10) …………. could digest the food. He also observed that the end of the stomach opens into the intestine only after the digestion of the food inside the stomach is completed.


  • Whom

  • Which

  • What

  • Who

Question 8:

What is formed by the breakdown of glucose in the cytoplasm?

कोशिकाद्रव्य में ग्लूकोज के विघटन से क्या बनते हैं? 

  • पाइरुवेट और ऊर्जा Pyruvate and energy

  • पाइरुवेट और ऑक्सीजन Pyruvate and oxygen

  • पाइरुवेट और नाइट्रोजन Pyruvate and nitrogen

  • पाइरुवेट और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड Pyruvate and carbon dioxide

Question 9:

Which one of the following represents the correct order of electron losing tendency of metals?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा एक, धातुओं की इलेक्ट्रॉन त्यागने की प्रवृत्ति के सही क्रम को दर्शाता है? 

  • Zn > Cu > Ag

  • Ag > Cu > Zn

  • Cu > Ag > Zn

  • Cu > Zn > Ag

Question 10:

Directions :- Each of the following sentences has an underlined word. Read the sentence carefully and find which word class the underlined word belongs to. Indicate your response on the Answer sheet accordingly.

I really love going to school.

  • pronoun

  • noun

  • preposition

  • verb

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