The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
Please go out and check if it is yet raining.
and check
yet raining
if it is
Please go out
'Yet' is used to show the contrast between two conditions and it is incorrect according to the context of the given sentence so it will be replaced by 'still'. Hence, 'still raining' will be the correct sentence structure. Still is used when something was happening in the past and is happening at the time of speaking too. Eg- He is still preparing for a government job.
Question 2:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
I shall buy this book if you like it or not.
if you like it
I shall buy
this book
or not
If is used when a statement is giving a Conditional sense (means that will occur if we do this). Whether is used when we have to choose between two options for e.g. whether you want or not. So, 'whether' will be the correct sentence structure. because he wants to say that he will buy the book whether the other person likes it or not.
Question 3:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
If you rent a house near your office, it will save you time as well as also money.
near your office
it will save you time
as well as also money
If you rent a house
as well as also money 'As well as' is a conjunction that means in addition. It connects two nouns, pronouns etc. to each other. So, use only 'money' in place of 'also money'. The conjunction 'as well as' is not immediately followed by also'. Hence the correct sentence will be as: If you rent a house near your office, it will save you time as well as money.
Question 4:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
Vini bought two new dresses but either is suitable for the festival
two new dress
Vini bought
suitable for the festival
but either is
'Neither' means 'none of the two' and 'Either' 'means one of the two'. However, in the given sentence, 'But' is used which brings a negative sense in the sentence and for it, we will use 'Neither'. Hence, 'but neither is' will be the correct sentence structure.
Question 5:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
To write a poem I need a pen, a diary and also the quiet place.
To write
a diary
and also the
I need
As the 'place' mentioned in the given sentence is not definite, it may be any quiet place, so we will use the indefinite article 'a' before it. Hence, 'and also a quiet place' will be the correct sentence structure.
Question 6:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
Asking for and giving informations is an important feature of conversations
is an important
giving informations
feature of conversations
asking for and
giving informations
Some Nouns like Cattle, work, Information, Scenery, Furniture, etc. are always written in the singular form so we can't make their plural form. For example, 'furniture' is correct but 'furnitures' is incorrect. Similarly in the given sentence, 'informations' will be replaced with 'information'.
Question 7:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
Paul was / bited by a dog / when he was a child.
was a child
Paul was
when he
bited by a dog
The given sentence is in the simple past tense(V2) so the verb must be used in its simple past form and the simple past form of 'bite' is 'bit' not 'bited'. Hence, 'bit by a dog' is the most appropriate structure.
Question 8:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
You and I have submitted / your work / on time.
your work
on time
You and I
have submitted
'Our' is the possessive form of 'we' and it means something belonging to us(more than a single person). Similarly in the given sentence, the work belongs to both the persons and not to a single person. Hence, 'our work' is the most appropriate structure.
Question 9:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
The more harder / you work, / the better / it will be.
you work
The more harder
"The more harder" - When we do a comparison between two things, we don't use 'more' with a comparative degree (harder) because it becomes a case of superfluousness (not necessary). Hence, 'more' will be removed from the sentence & 'The harder' becomes the most appropriate structure.
Question 10:
The following sentence has been divided into parts, which contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
She is capable to do better but she lacks confidence.
but she
lacks confidence
to do better
She is capable
to do better
There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. The preposition 'to' must be replaced with 'of'. Hence, 'capable of doing' is the most appropriate structure.